The PB.
Yeah, it's a realistic measure of what you can do, a general idea of where you stand.
A sub 5 min Fran, a 230# Clean and Jerk, a 200# Snatch, a 25 round Cindy.
All of them, they all play a huge role in our WOD, in our lives.
We all refuse to admit it, we refuse to acknowledge it but...
At the back of our heads, it's always hitting us, slowing us down at times.
"You can never bust your PB by more than 20#, it's just not possible"
"You can't cough out 2 more rounds than your previous Cindy."
"You can't do very much better than your previous exam/job/relationship/trial."
However, they're all just numbers aren't they?
Yeah, they are in place for a reason, for you to decimate them.
To ignore them and crush them all out.
Numbers are always going to be just numbers.
What matters is how you look at it and whether or not you let them determine your life.

So what if your PB was a 140# Snatch?
So what? You can let it slow you down and obstruct you from giving the 160# a shot. (It would prob affect you sub-consciousnesses during the lift in any case)
Or you could just ignore it, ignore your past achievements and LIFT.
Don't let it limit you, don't let yourself limit who you are,
Right this moment...
After all, they are just Numbers...
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