Listening to : Come home - One Republic
Dreams will forever be only dreams unless you dare to take it into your hands to make it reality.
Maybe it was just the simple effervescence which drove me to take it.
Or perhaps it was something deep down inside, wanting to do something great for myself and God.
Either way, I made that choice (an expensive one if I may add) and eventually made it.
I am beyond satisfied, beyond encouraged by those who really made the effort to train us.
Looking at the heart of all the head trainers at the course was really refreshing.
Of course, doing Fran was so messed up that it has made the top 'best' WODs ever done.
but more than that, Level 1 blew me away cause of the science and concepts behind all that programming.
It kind of inspired me more to do greater things with the cert.
All i need to do now is find avenues, avenues and more of them.
Crossfit isn't just a fitness program, no it isn't.
I know people will laugh, put down, rebuke what comes next...
But Crossfit is really a lifestyle. Of living strong, and going hard. Every single time...
I've got many ideas for CROSS-fit which will come in due time. but the most important thing is that I translate this into the lives of those I can influence.
So, yes, don't be surprised if I pop that question out all the time.
"Have you heard about it?"
Evidently, it is kind of sad when others, those closest to you, don't celebrate this dream of yours.
Some may even judge you and call you foolish for having the wrong priorities.
However, hold your ground, cause things will always, always get better.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Listening to : Save The World - Swedish House Mafia
It's probably human nature to be a dreamer, to want to be living in a fantasy.
To do the impossible things over and over again. To take flight!
After watching the Green Lantern (Nothing really impressive to be honest) I guess it hit me.
At one point in time, we all wanted to be one of them, just like the superheroes we all watch.
The kind of guy that flies around, saving people, getting the last kiss, making that big sacrifice.
The hero that can never be hurt, self sacrificing, stands for the good of the people, discarding all fear.
Maybe it's a little far fetched or maybe I'm speaking from a personal experience.
But we all have had a dream of being just like them, maybe even now.
But really, sometimes the superheroes that we want to see aren't too far away.
Look at the hero that just picked his son up after he had a bad fall despite him having the worst day at work.
Look at the hero whom picks up the barbell when he doesn't have proper legs to stand up to do so.
Look at the hero who refuses to make the wrong decision though it's so so enticing.
Look at the hero who stands up after being hit down time and time again.
I suppose we admire the abilities of these heroes a whole lot, but what really strikes us is the resolve in them.
Really, superheroes ain't too far away.
They're all around us, right there beside us.
Sometimes, you just have to be your own hero, to keep doing what you're doing.
Living the life you live and who knows? You may just be that hero to someone else...
It's probably human nature to be a dreamer, to want to be living in a fantasy.
To do the impossible things over and over again. To take flight!
After watching the Green Lantern (Nothing really impressive to be honest) I guess it hit me.
At one point in time, we all wanted to be one of them, just like the superheroes we all watch.
The kind of guy that flies around, saving people, getting the last kiss, making that big sacrifice.
The hero that can never be hurt, self sacrificing, stands for the good of the people, discarding all fear.
Maybe it's a little far fetched or maybe I'm speaking from a personal experience.
But we all have had a dream of being just like them, maybe even now.
But really, sometimes the superheroes that we want to see aren't too far away.
Look at the hero that just picked his son up after he had a bad fall despite him having the worst day at work.
Look at the hero whom picks up the barbell when he doesn't have proper legs to stand up to do so.
Look at the hero who refuses to make the wrong decision though it's so so enticing.
Look at the hero who stands up after being hit down time and time again.
I suppose we admire the abilities of these heroes a whole lot, but what really strikes us is the resolve in them.
Really, superheroes ain't too far away.
They're all around us, right there beside us.
Sometimes, you just have to be your own hero, to keep doing what you're doing.
Living the life you live and who knows? You may just be that hero to someone else...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
CROSS-fit #33 Virtuosity
The full Clean and jerk, looks really impressive, beautiful if performed correctly.
The Snatch is majestic, fast and explosive.
The Kettle Bell Swing just looks plain cool, tossing a ridiculously heavy weight above your head.
The Handstand Push Up boasts unparalleled balance and strength.
The Muscle Up, so intricate in nature that getting the first one warrants a celebration.
In the crossfit methodology, what's most important is really, virtuosity.
"performing the common uncommonly well".
Yeah it looks great, it looks amazing but... Whats the benefit if you can do a simple deadlift properly?
Why run when you can't even walk properly?
Of course we aren't against creativity. But that creativity has to be accompanied by strong fundamentals.
Even if you're the one teaching, the one leading, don't feel that repeating the basics will bore people away.
Don't try to entertain people and impress them with your wide range of knowledge.
On the contrary, if you insist on the basics, really insist on them without relenting, people will come to recognize you as experienced, seasoned and well trained yourself.
I hold high regard for Coach K, I'd like to think that it's really because of the way he trains.
Spending months on an empty PVC bar doing the simplest of movements over and over again.
1000 PVC snatches, while he could easily progress to lift something a whole lot heavier.
The fancy stuff can wait, the big jumps, the big throws, the big prayers, the big business can all wait.
Firstly, get the basics right, recommit to it, monthly, weekly, daily.
So what are your basics today? get to it, learn it once again, you're never too old for it.
Then give it some time, your life will shoot up in performance soon after.
Just you wait...
The Snatch is majestic, fast and explosive.
The Kettle Bell Swing just looks plain cool, tossing a ridiculously heavy weight above your head.
The Handstand Push Up boasts unparalleled balance and strength.
The Muscle Up, so intricate in nature that getting the first one warrants a celebration.
In the crossfit methodology, what's most important is really, virtuosity.
"performing the common uncommonly well".
Yeah it looks great, it looks amazing but... Whats the benefit if you can do a simple deadlift properly?
Why run when you can't even walk properly?
Of course we aren't against creativity. But that creativity has to be accompanied by strong fundamentals.
Even if you're the one teaching, the one leading, don't feel that repeating the basics will bore people away.
Don't try to entertain people and impress them with your wide range of knowledge.
On the contrary, if you insist on the basics, really insist on them without relenting, people will come to recognize you as experienced, seasoned and well trained yourself.
I hold high regard for Coach K, I'd like to think that it's really because of the way he trains.
Spending months on an empty PVC bar doing the simplest of movements over and over again.
1000 PVC snatches, while he could easily progress to lift something a whole lot heavier.
The fancy stuff can wait, the big jumps, the big throws, the big prayers, the big business can all wait.
Firstly, get the basics right, recommit to it, monthly, weekly, daily.
So what are your basics today? get to it, learn it once again, you're never too old for it.
Then give it some time, your life will shoot up in performance soon after.
Just you wait...
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
To come up Higher
Listening to : Every teardrop is a waterfall - Coldplay
So what does it mean to come up Higher?
I guess for everyone out there, it all means something different.
I didn't exactly go to the full Higher conference but... I'd like to think that I caught something and brought it back.
Gotta admit that really, life hasn't been the kindest to me, or rather, I haven't been to kind to it.
So the past 30 days, of seeking, of sanctifying, or attempting to be one.
I have to add that there were times whereby I stumbled, where I didn't exactly keep to the 30 days.
I fell here and there but I guess what matters is that I'm still here and I'm still trying.
So what is higher?
For me, it was really a time to discover who I am inside, to converge who I am and who I wanna be.
Through it all, through the 30 days, I think I've found myself.
Who I am, reminded of my destiny, reminded of what I'm supposed to do.
Strangely, even more inclined to a change of direction at times as well.
However, what matters more is what happens from here on out.
Life won't remain this way, it won't even remain on the uphill if I don't make an effort to make it so.
Yeah, so here I am, all that I am, wanting to chase my dreams, to chase God, to chase the desires of my heart. I know, I totally know that I'll be met with great opposition.
However, it means the World to chase it regardless of all that's coming against you.
It means the World when someone texts you saying that...
"Blood is thicker than water."
When someone comes to you and tells you that,
"What you've done has forever changed my life."
Coming up higher, I wanna chase my dreams. Again.
Renewed passion, renewed fire, renewed heart and a renewed spirit.
It's not exactly going to stay this way, I won't let it anymore.
Lionel has changed and is still changing.
Eventually, I hope to embody what I am meant to be.
CROSS-fit #32 You need this

Knocking them out in the WOD can be easy, or maybe really tough at times.
Going for that PR may be the toughest thing you've ever done.
Maybe you walk away thinking that, I've done it all, I ain't got no more juice.
"It is just a number, I can always try again."
However, there comes a point in time whereby,
You need this.
For some unexplained reason, you refuse to relent, give in and let go of it.
You just keep trying and trying.
Sometimes, the drive doesn't come from you, but from an external source.
Your friends come to you, seeing you fail time and time again, tell you that you need to knock this out.
You need to be the faster person, you need to be the stronger guy,
you need to get that lift, you need to be the bigger, more gracious man.
It's a fine line between pride and raising your confidence level for the rest of the month, or even life.
So be violent when it comes to such situations.
Be aggressive, even angry at times.
Be sure to need it, to risk it all.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
CROSS-fit #31 The Old Record
Then the walls are formed, the impression what can and cannot be done.
The PB.
Yeah, it's a realistic measure of what you can do, a general idea of where you stand.
A sub 5 min Fran, a 230# Clean and Jerk, a 200# Snatch, a 25 round Cindy.
All of them, they all play a huge role in our WOD, in our lives.
We all refuse to admit it, we refuse to acknowledge it but...
At the back of our heads, it's always hitting us, slowing us down at times.
"You can never bust your PB by more than 20#, it's just not possible"
"You can't cough out 2 more rounds than your previous Cindy."
"You can't do very much better than your previous exam/job/relationship/trial."
However, they're all just numbers aren't they?
Yeah, they are in place for a reason, for you to decimate them.
To ignore them and crush them all out.
Numbers are always going to be just numbers.
What matters is how you look at it and whether or not you let them determine your life.
Whether you let them determine how well you're gonna do this time round.
So what if your PB was a 140# Snatch?
So what? You can let it slow you down and obstruct you from giving the 160# a shot. (It would prob affect you sub-consciousnesses during the lift in any case)
Or you could just ignore it, ignore your past achievements and LIFT.
Don't let it limit you, don't let yourself limit who you are,
Right this moment...
After all, they are just Numbers...
The PB.
Yeah, it's a realistic measure of what you can do, a general idea of where you stand.
A sub 5 min Fran, a 230# Clean and Jerk, a 200# Snatch, a 25 round Cindy.
All of them, they all play a huge role in our WOD, in our lives.
We all refuse to admit it, we refuse to acknowledge it but...
At the back of our heads, it's always hitting us, slowing us down at times.
"You can never bust your PB by more than 20#, it's just not possible"
"You can't cough out 2 more rounds than your previous Cindy."
"You can't do very much better than your previous exam/job/relationship/trial."
However, they're all just numbers aren't they?
Yeah, they are in place for a reason, for you to decimate them.
To ignore them and crush them all out.
Numbers are always going to be just numbers.
What matters is how you look at it and whether or not you let them determine your life.

So what if your PB was a 140# Snatch?
So what? You can let it slow you down and obstruct you from giving the 160# a shot. (It would prob affect you sub-consciousnesses during the lift in any case)
Or you could just ignore it, ignore your past achievements and LIFT.
Don't let it limit you, don't let yourself limit who you are,
Right this moment...
After all, they are just Numbers...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
CROSS-fit #30 What is it?
The weights shifted.
The body just ain't ready for it.
I haven't got enough sleep.
There're a thousand and one reasons why you fail.
But really, what is it?
I guess you could easily shove it aside and say that you had a bad back.
Or the workout was just not in your favour.
But this IS crossfit isn't it?
To be trained in all possible domains and specialize in not one but all modals of fitness.
So what is it?
There has to be a reasonable explanation as to why you didn't finish fast enough.
Why you let your fellow athlete overtake you at the last stretch.
We can attribute it to so many external factors.
But seriously?

Give it a break and face it.
It's you, you didn't make it. You weren't strong enough there and then.
It isn't simple condemnation which could get you up into a higher position, no.
It's humility, to tell yourself that, this was my doing.
The workout was all me, and all of me wasn't good enough.
So try again, train harder.
Then get BACK AT IT!
Don't give excuses for the WOD, for your own life.
Face it, man up and own it.
The body just ain't ready for it.
I haven't got enough sleep.
There're a thousand and one reasons why you fail.
But really, what is it?
I guess you could easily shove it aside and say that you had a bad back.
Or the workout was just not in your favour.
But this IS crossfit isn't it?
To be trained in all possible domains and specialize in not one but all modals of fitness.
So what is it?
There has to be a reasonable explanation as to why you didn't finish fast enough.
Why you let your fellow athlete overtake you at the last stretch.
We can attribute it to so many external factors.
But seriously?

Give it a break and face it.
It's you, you didn't make it. You weren't strong enough there and then.
It isn't simple condemnation which could get you up into a higher position, no.
It's humility, to tell yourself that, this was my doing.
The workout was all me, and all of me wasn't good enough.
So try again, train harder.
Then get BACK AT IT!
Don't give excuses for the WOD, for your own life.
Face it, man up and own it.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Dreams revived
Listening to : Runaway - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
It's probably the cumulative impressions I've been getting these few days.
About how destiny is at our fingertips.
About how God is ever closer to us and right there, close than our breath.
So yeah, why not give it a shot?
Why not keep on at it, revive that dream. Go again!
That's what I'm exactly going to do.
This time, it'll be different, with a different focus and center to it all.
Summer is not over till it's over. There're still things to be done! :)
Life is changing, I can really tell.
It's probably the cumulative impressions I've been getting these few days.
About how destiny is at our fingertips.
About how God is ever closer to us and right there, close than our breath.
So yeah, why not give it a shot?
Why not keep on at it, revive that dream. Go again!
That's what I'm exactly going to do.
This time, it'll be different, with a different focus and center to it all.
Summer is not over till it's over. There're still things to be done! :)
Life is changing, I can really tell.
You're never too old
Listening to : Pressure - Nadia Ali
When someone tells you, "you're too old".
Don't ever listen to them.
You're never too old, you're never too young either.
You are who you are, you can be who you want to be if only you choose to be.
LOUD Camp 2011 : Undivided
It was pretty much the best camp I've ever been to.
Maybe cause this time round, I've come from a rather rough past few months/weeks.
Whereby the year has been anything but desirable.
But honestly speaking, it was really uplifting.
Not just cause of the games, the cheers.
It's cause of the presence of God, it's cause of the company, friends, new and old.
I really don't have much to say regarding Loud Camp, it's somewhat beyond words.
I just wish, I really do wish that whatever I have done the past camp has helped others in a greater way than on a superficial level.
Coincidentally, the letter I wrote to myself reached me.
It's been 6 months.
Reading back... I've really made it.
Barely, but still, I've made it.
I know I can make the last 6 months work.
God is good.
He hasn't forgotten about a rotten apple like me.
Who knows, even he can make a rotten apple, fresh again
When someone tells you, "you're too old".
Don't ever listen to them.
You're never too old, you're never too young either.
You are who you are, you can be who you want to be if only you choose to be.
LOUD Camp 2011 : Undivided
It was pretty much the best camp I've ever been to.
Maybe cause this time round, I've come from a rather rough past few months/weeks.
Whereby the year has been anything but desirable.
But honestly speaking, it was really uplifting.
Not just cause of the games, the cheers.
It's cause of the presence of God, it's cause of the company, friends, new and old.
I really don't have much to say regarding Loud Camp, it's somewhat beyond words.
I just wish, I really do wish that whatever I have done the past camp has helped others in a greater way than on a superficial level.
Coincidentally, the letter I wrote to myself reached me.
It's been 6 months.
Reading back... I've really made it.
Barely, but still, I've made it.
I know I can make the last 6 months work.
God is good.
He hasn't forgotten about a rotten apple like me.
Who knows, even he can make a rotten apple, fresh again
CROSS-fit #29 Angels
We all wish we could see them, touch them, be like them.
In the midst of all the heat, the adversities, we all want to see angels.
Mary saw an angel before she conceived Jesus in her womb.
So did many other heroes of Faith in the Bible.
Some people even claimed that they have seen visions of angels surrounding others.
I really do admire many of those visions.
No, I'm not saying that they aren't real but...
Most of the time, most of the time, the rule is that no, we don't really see open angels coming on us.
We all want that angelic being protecting us all the time.
Telling us it's ok, everything will be alright.
We hope for better grades, results, instant victory with the appearance of an angelic being.
May even come in the form of a person, a friend.
But really, sometimes, most of the time, that isn't the case, is it?
There're times where we feel close to dying, in excruciating pain.
Well guess what, there is an angel.
There always is. One that resembles you.
One that comes with hard work.
One that's created by you.
It's the sweat angel, the angel that you make for yourself after you've done all you can, worked all possible ways. Outdid yourself multiple times.
You don't need angels from heaven most of the time.
But you do need that sweat angel, imprinted on the floor...
In the midst of all the heat, the adversities, we all want to see angels.
Mary saw an angel before she conceived Jesus in her womb.
So did many other heroes of Faith in the Bible.
Some people even claimed that they have seen visions of angels surrounding others.
I really do admire many of those visions.
No, I'm not saying that they aren't real but...
Most of the time, most of the time, the rule is that no, we don't really see open angels coming on us.
We all want that angelic being protecting us all the time.
Telling us it's ok, everything will be alright.
We hope for better grades, results, instant victory with the appearance of an angelic being.
May even come in the form of a person, a friend.
But really, sometimes, most of the time, that isn't the case, is it?
There're times where we feel close to dying, in excruciating pain.
Well guess what, there is an angel.
There always is. One that resembles you.
One that comes with hard work.
One that's created by you.
It's the sweat angel, the angel that you make for yourself after you've done all you can, worked all possible ways. Outdid yourself multiple times.
You don't need angels from heaven most of the time.
But you do need that sweat angel, imprinted on the floor...
Saturday, June 11, 2011
48 hours
Listening to : California King Bed - Rihanna
The next 48 hours will probably mean the most to me in this coming summer.
In the next 48 hours, I'll be tested....
In my physical self.
In my emotions.
In my spirit.
It's all happening one after another all in a span of 48 hours.
Of which, I can't compartmentalize properly.
Doing one, I think of another.
I can't keep myself from getting distracted.
At least that was the case the past 2 weeks or so.
So tomorrow, in 6 hours. Will be the real deal.
The real start of it all.
I need to embrace it, I need to face it.
Of which, I just hope the departure will not crumble me....
Let's begin this wham bam with the games.
Crossfit Games.
Let me exceed myself, let me create my own outcome.
The next 48 hours will probably mean the most to me in this coming summer.
In the next 48 hours, I'll be tested....
In my physical self.
In my emotions.
In my spirit.
It's all happening one after another all in a span of 48 hours.
Of which, I can't compartmentalize properly.
Doing one, I think of another.
I can't keep myself from getting distracted.
At least that was the case the past 2 weeks or so.
So tomorrow, in 6 hours. Will be the real deal.
The real start of it all.
I need to embrace it, I need to face it.
Of which, I just hope the departure will not crumble me....
Let's begin this wham bam with the games.
Crossfit Games.
Let me exceed myself, let me create my own outcome.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Grabbing it by the horns
Listening to : Pressure - Nadia Ali
Sometimes, opportunities and chances present themselves in the strangest of ways.
In the weirdest of circumstances, sometimes in the moments of weaknesses of ones heart.
Perhaps you just need to get ready to grab it.
By the horns.
And this time, I'm gonna give it a shot. Putting myself out there again...
Sometimes, opportunities and chances present themselves in the strangest of ways.
In the weirdest of circumstances, sometimes in the moments of weaknesses of ones heart.
Perhaps you just need to get ready to grab it.
By the horns.
And this time, I'm gonna give it a shot. Putting myself out there again...
Monday, June 06, 2011
Listening to : Every Teardrop is a waterfall - Coldplay
It is unbelievably tiring at times. To continually keep having that certain energy that we had when we were young.
When running around, shouting around like mere idiots were seemingly incredibly cool.
But somehow, as we get older, so does our heart, so does our soul.
I have always detested growing old. I never want to face the realities of an adult.
However, it really is in my door steps isn't it?
This summer has been anything but fulfilling.
In terms of my achievement as an individual and as a person.
I've so far accomplished.... Nothing much.
I know I've set many plans, to expand crossfit, to help them market etc.
But all of which have been of little success. Little or no responses and yes, I got lazy as well.
I guess this is really the thing which kills dreams, the lack of discipline.
I need to get up and get going.
I do, however, view this upcoming camp as an unforseen opportunity.
To well, get back.
For now, I just wanna get by tomorrow.
Without losing my gut of course.
It is unbelievably tiring at times. To continually keep having that certain energy that we had when we were young.
When running around, shouting around like mere idiots were seemingly incredibly cool.
But somehow, as we get older, so does our heart, so does our soul.
I have always detested growing old. I never want to face the realities of an adult.
However, it really is in my door steps isn't it?
This summer has been anything but fulfilling.
In terms of my achievement as an individual and as a person.
I've so far accomplished.... Nothing much.
I know I've set many plans, to expand crossfit, to help them market etc.
But all of which have been of little success. Little or no responses and yes, I got lazy as well.
I guess this is really the thing which kills dreams, the lack of discipline.
I need to get up and get going.
I do, however, view this upcoming camp as an unforseen opportunity.
To well, get back.
For now, I just wanna get by tomorrow.
Without losing my gut of course.
CROSS-fit #28 Again and again
Why do you go back again and again.
Why do you return back with torn and tattered palms,
with scrapped shins, a bruised chin, a tired heart...
Why do you keep going back to the box? To a place where things are nothing but easy.
I guess it is human nature, for us to want to face challenges in our lives.
Maybe it's even the Godly nature in us which compels us to find something to push our limits.
We just can't live with a mediocre life can we?
Where easy is our way of life. Of course everyone wishes for a life like that but.....
Is it really what everyone wants to do?
To lead an easy life, a convenient life, where's the purpose in that? Where's the fun?
No doubt, not everyone who walks through those wide open doors of the box necessarily stay.
Many in fact, leave.
They give up after just a few classes, they just can't take the heat.
It's back to the typical gym for them, where easy kind of thrives.
However, be the person that stays.
Be the person that demands hardship, that demands trials.
Be the person with the guts to face it head on.
No matter what the side effects. Scarred legs, bruised hands, whatever it is...
Come back, again and again.
5 times a week, to embrace the suck.
Have the courage to do so.
Why do you return back with torn and tattered palms,
with scrapped shins, a bruised chin, a tired heart...
Why do you keep going back to the box? To a place where things are nothing but easy.
I guess it is human nature, for us to want to face challenges in our lives.
Maybe it's even the Godly nature in us which compels us to find something to push our limits.
We just can't live with a mediocre life can we?
Where easy is our way of life. Of course everyone wishes for a life like that but.....
Is it really what everyone wants to do?
To lead an easy life, a convenient life, where's the purpose in that? Where's the fun?
No doubt, not everyone who walks through those wide open doors of the box necessarily stay.
Many in fact, leave.
They give up after just a few classes, they just can't take the heat.
It's back to the typical gym for them, where easy kind of thrives.
However, be the person that stays.
Be the person that demands hardship, that demands trials.
Be the person with the guts to face it head on.
No matter what the side effects. Scarred legs, bruised hands, whatever it is...
Come back, again and again.
5 times a week, to embrace the suck.
Have the courage to do so.
Friday, June 03, 2011
CROSS-fit #27 Let it out
There're days which just suck in general.
Whereby you just don't feel you got it, in work, in school, in relationships.
Many come into the box, step in, with burdens heavier than the weights they're about to carry.
Distracted and utterly angst I guess.
However, it's alright, come in, come in. Nobody is going to fault you.
Nobody is going to judge you.
It's alright if in here, your form is off just this once.
Come in and LET IT OUT.
Let it all out, get it out on the weights, the run, the pull, the swing.
Do the WOD to the best that you can and in the midst of it, tell yourself you're better than this.
You can conquer the WOD, you can conquer the World, you can conquer your life.
Don't be hesitant, don't runaway, but let it out, all of it. From the bottomless pit of despair in your heart.
Sometimes, people even cry in the WOD, due to pain, but sometimes due to despair.
But hey, this is the place where your family is. Where people have got your back.
Then as you step out, you leave with your head high, with confidence that now that that's done...
Come what may, you'll stand strong in the World.
As you leave, you do so alot less angrier than when you first stepped in.
Take a deep breathe, cause now, even that has substance.
Go to your box.
Go to your cell group.
Go to your church.
And let it all out.
Whereby you just don't feel you got it, in work, in school, in relationships.
Many come into the box, step in, with burdens heavier than the weights they're about to carry.
Distracted and utterly angst I guess.
However, it's alright, come in, come in. Nobody is going to fault you.
Nobody is going to judge you.
It's alright if in here, your form is off just this once.
Come in and LET IT OUT.
Let it all out, get it out on the weights, the run, the pull, the swing.
Do the WOD to the best that you can and in the midst of it, tell yourself you're better than this.
You can conquer the WOD, you can conquer the World, you can conquer your life.
Don't be hesitant, don't runaway, but let it out, all of it. From the bottomless pit of despair in your heart.
Sometimes, people even cry in the WOD, due to pain, but sometimes due to despair.
But hey, this is the place where your family is. Where people have got your back.
Come what may, you'll stand strong in the World.
As you leave, you do so alot less angrier than when you first stepped in.
Take a deep breathe, cause now, even that has substance.
Go to your box.
Go to your cell group.
Go to your church.
And let it all out.
And the seasons change
Listening to : The ice is getting thinner - Death Cab for Cutie
There's a season to everything ain't it?
Honestly, it all goes in one cycle, one really really big cycle.
It does at least for me, and honestly, it's a little irritating.
The same process keeps repeating itself, yeah, most of the time it's improved by a certain measure but....
The outline, the shape, the structure is all the same isn't it?
A season to be hopeless, a season to be a victor, a season to be a bystander, a season to help, a season to simply step out of someone else's life altogether, and a season to step right back in.
Perhaps it's time to change certain cycles, cause frankly, it ain't working at all.
Life is tough, don't make it harder for yourself.
Even if your life is great, don't mess anothers up.
I've grown to learn a simple aspect of life.
We aren't alone, we aren't our own World.
True ain't it?
I can't live life thinking that whatever I do isn't going to influence another.
Cause I've learnt first hand, that it does.
No matter what you say, no matter what you do...
You become the people around you and those around you become just like you.
It's a coinciding relationship, symbiotic in a sense.
But really, it's done....
I have to be aware, to emerge from my shell...
And I really thought, for a moment, a genuine moment, that everything was almost peach perfect.
Looks like life has it's way to bring it all back doesn't it?
Either way, change has to occur, massive change.
Conscience change, every step of the way...
There's a season to everything ain't it?
Honestly, it all goes in one cycle, one really really big cycle.
It does at least for me, and honestly, it's a little irritating.
The same process keeps repeating itself, yeah, most of the time it's improved by a certain measure but....
The outline, the shape, the structure is all the same isn't it?
A season to be hopeless, a season to be a victor, a season to be a bystander, a season to help, a season to simply step out of someone else's life altogether, and a season to step right back in.
Perhaps it's time to change certain cycles, cause frankly, it ain't working at all.
Life is tough, don't make it harder for yourself.
Even if your life is great, don't mess anothers up.
I've grown to learn a simple aspect of life.
We aren't alone, we aren't our own World.
True ain't it?
I can't live life thinking that whatever I do isn't going to influence another.
Cause I've learnt first hand, that it does.
No matter what you say, no matter what you do...
You become the people around you and those around you become just like you.
It's a coinciding relationship, symbiotic in a sense.
But really, it's done....
I have to be aware, to emerge from my shell...
And I really thought, for a moment, a genuine moment, that everything was almost peach perfect.
Looks like life has it's way to bring it all back doesn't it?
Either way, change has to occur, massive change.
Conscience change, every step of the way...
Thursday, June 02, 2011
CROSS-fit #26 You'll never know
Your full potential is just like a present, a gift.
If you could just attempt the lift, if you just did it, those numbers would be written on the white board.
You're given it by someone higher up there, and the best thing is...
You don't know what's really inside, you can't tell how big, magnificent it is.
All you can do is to slowly unwrap it, one bit at a time.
However, if you don't do anything, You'll never know won't you?
Attempting a lift beyond your PR by like 40#.
Going for a 2.4km time trial out of curiousity.
Putting yourself out there by leading a team of men or women in your business.
You'll never know if you can do it, you won't know if you're cut out for it, if you don't try...

Of course, failing it would mean writing an 'F' beside those numbers.
But what's up with that? Who cares, really. What matters is that those numbers are up there.
And probably, one day, that 'F' won't be there.
But hey, you'll never get there if you don't start with an 'F' beside it.
Don't let fear block you from your fullest potential.
Don't let fear block your destiny in GOD, in life.
It's ok if there's an 'F' beside it at times, cause what matters is that you try.
Hey, look at Peter, even he failed to walk on water the whole way.
But he's remembered cause at least, he tried.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
CROSS-fit #25 Just Go With It
It's not just you, everyone has their moments of folly.
Moments where you just don't feel like going to the WOD, you just don't want to go through that pain.
You know it's good, you totally know that it's for your benefit but no....
Just not in the mood, maybe it's due to various reasons.
Excuses if I may say.
Here are just a few of them...
I've got no time for it, I've gotta work today.
Homework calls!
I'm too fatigued from the previous day...
I'm tired.
Muscles are acting up on me!
I just don't feel comfortable with the group.
I'm shy.
I'm too good for this.
I've been hurt by one of the guys there.
Not my kind of thing.
Do I really have to go through this? Rather not...
Sleep beckons.
You know what, I'm really not cut out for this.
Heard them before?
Maybe even from you? Whats your excuse? For not working out, for life...
Yeah, I know, don't blame yourself, it's alright.
But don't let it become a habit, everytime this happens, Just Go With It!
Don't let your convictions become a preference.
Don't let it happen in crossfit, in your relationship, in your schools, in church.
When you just don't feel like going to church, stop, think for a moment and Just Go With It!
It's that simple, don't stop that motion, cause everytime you make that right decision to get out of your house, out of your comfort zone, victory is already yours.
It's just like the typical deadlift, the toughest point is really the first pull.
That first few inches off the ground, once it's up, momentum will do the rest of the work (most of the time.)
It's the same in life, get off your butt, get off your computer, get off your LAZY ASS! AND GET MOVING!
Once you get it going, life will seem a whole lot easier.
Trust me, it works. All the time...
Moments where you just don't feel like going to the WOD, you just don't want to go through that pain.
You know it's good, you totally know that it's for your benefit but no....
Just not in the mood, maybe it's due to various reasons.
Excuses if I may say.
Here are just a few of them...
I've got no time for it, I've gotta work today.
Homework calls!
I'm too fatigued from the previous day...
I'm tired.
Muscles are acting up on me!
I just don't feel comfortable with the group.
I'm shy.
I'm too good for this.
I've been hurt by one of the guys there.
Not my kind of thing.
Do I really have to go through this? Rather not...
Sleep beckons.
You know what, I'm really not cut out for this.
Heard them before?
Maybe even from you? Whats your excuse? For not working out, for life...
Yeah, I know, don't blame yourself, it's alright.
But don't let it become a habit, everytime this happens, Just Go With It!
Don't let your convictions become a preference.
Don't let it happen in crossfit, in your relationship, in your schools, in church.
When you just don't feel like going to church, stop, think for a moment and Just Go With It!
It's that simple, don't stop that motion, cause everytime you make that right decision to get out of your house, out of your comfort zone, victory is already yours.
It's just like the typical deadlift, the toughest point is really the first pull.
That first few inches off the ground, once it's up, momentum will do the rest of the work (most of the time.)
It's the same in life, get off your butt, get off your computer, get off your LAZY ASS! AND GET MOVING!
Once you get it going, life will seem a whole lot easier.
Trust me, it works. All the time...
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So what's your excuse? |
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