I hate to do it alone. To go through life living all by myself.
I have always thought to myself that I'm ok alone.
Or rather, if I were to be put on an island all alone, I'll probably get by just fine.
Like it totally won't be awkward to eat a meal alone sitting down enjoying great food.
Then I just realized today, I do hate it....
I may have been wrong to think that the extreme scenarios of aloneness are okay.
In fact, they're far from it.
I guess this is what being a companion for 4 years have done.
(No I'm not complaining!!)
But I've just realized this which seems quite strange to me.
Many things which seemed doable alone, doesn't exactly seem the case now.
I have always belittled encouragement especially in the tracks.
I mean, would a small soft voice actually affect the runners mental capability.
I used to always doubt that and never believed in real cheering!
I always did so just to get a small high for myself.
But now I know, encouragement, no matter how small, may mean the World at times.
It really does make sense to me nowadays.
I can never go through a crossfit WOD without someone shouting at me.
I just can't seem to do it. I won't be able to push as hard.
If someone were to say. LETS GO ONE MORE REP!
Then to me, it really does make a big difference!
I used to acknowledge that studying alone through the night is possible and okay.
Now, studying alone for more than 2-3 hours really fries my brain.
Makes me lose all motivation and I just wanna stop.
I won't be able to serve as well, give my all over and over again if it wasn't for people around be telling me that I can do it, encouraging me bit by bit.
My perception has changed big time.
I've become well... people dependent.
I need people around me for me to excel. For me to go beyond what I can.
I need that push, that competition, that encouragement.
Be it small or big.
Sometimes, the strongest motivation can come from the person whom is slogging it out with you!
I will always remember, how people shout and say COME ON!
In a work out when they themselves are struggling to finish it.
It gives me well, HOPE to the end...
Sometimes, even the enthusiasm from another can be a source of mighty strength!
The look of determination and focus and either freak or inspire you to do things greater!
Man oh man, now when I look back, I wonder how on Earth I survived living like that.
Well, I do not doubt that some alone time is very important.
I admit that having some is even vital for progress!
However, I have come to realize, that most of the times, I'm with someone.
Either screaming or shouting alongside for VICTORY!
Man, I need more friends like that. I'm being frank here....
It's my blog, I can say what I want....
YES! I need more encouraging, enthusiastic friends!
Maybe even like this fella here....
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