Listening to : Pretty Girl Rock
Time to take a little sit at the bus stop of life.
During this exam period, I've done SO much thinking that I struggle to keep focused.
Many things have come and gone to distract and well cause some confusion at times.
Some we warranted, some weren't. However, one of the things which really made me think...
Was well, 3 idiots. No I'm not talking about any familiar 3 literal idiots that you know.
I'm talking about the movie... 3 idiots.

Well, for a lack of a better picture, this kind of explains what this movie is.
About 3 stooges finding out what it really means to be in college.
Studying what they really want to study, do what they really want to do.
Studying what they really want to study, do what they really want to do.
To make their passion their profession, in all the rat race that we're in.
It's not so much about chasing that certificate or that grade, it's reality, the structure that we're in is largely unforgiving, merciless and ruthless when it comes to placings.
You are graded not by your efforts but by the standards of others.
Which really, sucks. It doesn't matter how much you know but it really matters how much others know.
Which made me realize, do I really want to be doing this? Slogging my life at this?
I know that ultimately, I've got many things I wanna do, many visions and dreams.
Don't get me wrong, I love what I'm studying, engineering is really interesting!
However, when it comes to a point when everything just seems so route and mundane.
It all doesn't make sense anymore. So what is your passion? The one thing that you love to do?
I mean, for us kids now, yeah this is our time to study.
But don't make it a chore, but instead, live it up, actually learn and not study.
Be really interested in what you're doing and not the other way round.
I know, it can get real tough at times, but essentially, this is what matters.
Don't focus on the grade, focus on what you've learnt.
"Don't chase success, chase excellence and success will chase you with it's pants down"
Very often, we're tricked into believing that this is not how things work.
If we want to make it up the ladder of life, we have to do things which we don't like.
I can say that it will probably bring you to far places, but well.
Will you really be happy? Seek to enjoy what you do.
Yeah, there may be fears such as, but what about my future?
What about my life to come? I won't have money.
However, I've learnt this phrase which has pretty much stuck with me this period.
"All Iz Well"
It doesn't improve the situation you are in one bit, but it gives your heart courage to face it.
It's not about doing it to the best, but doing it to the fullest.
Which really made me think, I want to do engineering, I want to learn.
But so do I for crossfit.
There's much more to life than your books everyone.
It's a reality which we need to understand, it doesn't revolve around grades.
On the other hand, your life revolves around many other things.
Don't dedicate your life to this rat race, succumb to the pressures of it. Instead, really make it a point to do what makes you... Happy.
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