I will probably say that right now is the time when I'm at my best condition.
Not too stressed, enjoying studying, enjoying the time that I have.
Taking it a step down as well. Guess this is the wonderful equilibrium which I have been looking for.
Despite the constant struggle between my current timetable and that of everything else.
I guess I'm coping well! Slightly more positive! I'm sure things will take for the better from here!
Just some random considerations which have been floating in my mind.
I've been doing crossfit for quite some time now.
When's the next time that I'll really step it up.
Guess now everything is 90% alright with my back. However...
Something just seems to be hindering me, maybe it's just my psychological barrier.
Which then made me realize a very real truth.
Something which I noticed today. Well, it was from the start of the day.
Everyone was fired up and ready to go. Even during the warm up stages.
Everyone was doing great with snatches, and cheering each other on.
Due to the size of the class, we had to split the group into 2 heats for the WOD.
In case you don't exactly know, the people in crossfit are highly motivating.
They'll shout, cheer and push you on to do greater.
Something which I personally like about them. However, it's something I never noticed...
Maybe cause the music blasting was slightly softer today.
I was in the second heat, so I took the time to push others to go faster, to go harder.
True enough, they did tremendously well, some said it was really due to the shouting.
However, when it came to my turn, it wasn't the same scenario.
It was seemingly quiet in terms of the cheering.
Then, in my sub-conscience mind (you can imagine this was really at the back of my head while I'm literally catching every single ounce of breath), I realized that they were all just too tired.
Physical or even mental exhaustion had set in upon them.
They were merely stoned and dazed.
However, the person whom I cheered for relentlessly was doing the same for me.
Which really motivated me.
I have always underestimated the power of encouragements, especially when it comes to the field of sports and athletics.
However, when it comes down to a personal level, a small voice or cheer can make a world of difference, when you're in pain, someone is actually there telling you to give one more.
This phrase 'One More' has been stuck with me for a while now.
Feels like in everything we do, be it in physical aspects of even in spiritual aspects, we can always give it a one more shot.
We have prayed relentlessly, nothing has happened, you get discouraged but there's always ONE MORE TIME. Push one more time, pray one more time.
Sometimes, it takes a voice from a friend to just push you on to do one more....
True enough, this is what I need to learn. A simple sentence can make a World of a difference.
A simple pat on the back....
Can make someone a victor in that very instant.
Maybe this is somewhat similar to that of little wonders...
But this is somehow just slightly different.
After the WOD, everyone was all dazed, but there's always something about people whom always encourage.... They themselves get encouraged.
Are you going to be the one who shuts up and gives in to tiredness to care about others?
Or are you be the one whom says "I've got you, now let's go for one more rep".
I would want to be the latter.
Despite how tired I am, I would want to help others give their all.
Giving 100% all the time ain't easy.
Not when there's a thousand and one pressures on you.
However, I'm sure that this is made easy... if there's just a person sharing it with you.
I know I've got one. :)

The one right in the center!!
No, not my coach, the other center one....
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