Friday, December 30, 2005
bye 2005, Hello 2006
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Movie movie
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
next week, next year
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Super Expo
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Move on....
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Feeling Rubbish!!!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
I'll miss this....
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I'm Crazy!!!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
It is over....or is it?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Everything that has a beggining has an end...
- NUS. Till date, its the best. Quiet, condusive, definitely the best.
- Serene center Mac. Well nobody really goes there, but yeah its fun there.
- Seng Kang BK. A little nosier but cushions are nice.
- N&B outlet and S'goon. GOod place. Nobody goes there. But too cold.
- Serangoon garden mac. Good to study, but too much distractions.
- Marine parade lib. EXtremely good, but must go real early to book place.
- Maris Stella. Not very good, but if all options are gone, last resort.
Next!!! Top people to thank while studying. No order of merit.
- GOD!!!! I have never relied more on him. Thanks!!!
- My bro. Drives me so often, cares for me...AWWWWW
- CLass mates. They supported, encouraged, taught me.
- NUS peeps, Great advice given, great people to be around, cheerful
- Serene Center peeps, occupied my break times.
- Ushers, who supported me and encourage me along this tough time!!
- CG members!! Who definitely had a part to play in this success cuz of their prayers!!
YOu people are awesome!! WOOHOO!!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Its ending...
Monday, November 14, 2005
I bumped into CJ today...literally
Well I got up this morning and off i went to bathe change blah blah blah, was heading to NUS with sharon cuz she drives. So yeah we left and headed there. We were all talking about car accidents in the car and as we turned into CTE, sharon screamed! Then oh, I realised someone on the windscreen of the car... Right We BANGED SOMEONE DOWN!!!! MY GOODNESS!! I was so so so freaked out, we ran out of the car and realised he was a cyclist cuz of his bike, then asked, are u ok? This is officially the strangest reply I have ever gotten from a victim of an accident k. "I'm fine, hows my bike?". How extremely "Kua ZAng" can that get?? Let me go to the extreme. so we had to rush him to the hospital, with the bike on board. He was conscience and what do you know, he startewd crapping with us. Saying I look Like sharon's BF and weirdest phrase. "You're not 16, you can't be...thats the best lie I've heard man..."
Seriously...I was wondering if he knocked his head real bad?? or is he that funny or rather crazy?? Well we rushed him to NUH, got down. Sharon parked the car and I followed him into the emergency. We went into wrong entrance, we reached the ambulance area. So we got directed towards the real emergency. But wait, he didn't go. He stood and complained at the bad service. I mean. HELLO!!! U JUST GOT BANGED DOWN!!! ACT LIKE A HALF DEAD MAN AT LEAST!! Though he was kinda limping, he was saying to me, "hurry up slowpoke..." thats down right crazy...
Inside, we got our number and the nurse examined him for a bit. What do you know, he started playing around with the nurse. He wanted to examine his buttock and right, he screamed. Literally screamed in the hospital. How embarrassing can it get?? We sat down. K now the sad part starts, we realised Sharon's car was in pretty bad shape (Realise the irony, he wasn't in bad shape, the car was worst. looks like the bike was ok good use after all). Then she was seriously freaking out. Called her sis and stuff, CJ (the victim) then called his mum, who was real pissed. Which freaked both of us out even more. She sounded scary. But irony was that she was fumed not cause of the accident but she thought CJ faked the whole accident to just pon school. I begin to wonder........ This is really strange.....
His pap came, then settled some stuff with the police etc. Though it wasn't big, but for insurance and stuff. He went in for the examination, came out and had to give a report as well. He then stated. "no la not 1st accident." Out of curiousity, I asked his dad. "So what happened in his 1st accident?". Unbelievably, he got banged down by a BUS. I REPEAT. A BUS!!! He's insane. Well after everything. We kinda became good friends. What a weird day?? I think so too....
Friday, November 11, 2005
7 more papers, 7 more days...
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
8 left...
Monday, November 07, 2005
Two down.
Friday, November 04, 2005
love unfailing....
Rubbish 3
Monday, October 31, 2005
Weakness made strengths.
Friday, October 28, 2005
SOmehow it feels a little crazy and the moment it all ends i'm gonna look back and laugh!!
But oh well, 9 days to the actual thing, well not counting chinese. 9 days peeps, 9 last days...
I want to shine...Shine like the stars!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
God and well Science...
- Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction
- Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love
- Imagination is more important than knowledge
- Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one
- I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details
- I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice
- God is subtle but he is not malicious
- The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility
- The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. ( Ok fine...this is kinda not related...but its funny...)
- God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically
- Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding
- We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. ( I like this)
- Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school
- Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
A few essentials...
- Always, always pray!! That's the most important thing, get your spirit up
- Get distractions away, studying outside may be good.
- Music is good when things really get 'hot'.
- Friends can be good or bad. Study with study peeps, not talking ones
- Good food, makes a good student.
- Caffeine may just do the trick to get you studying. Coke helps.
- Burn the fats to destress. Exercise.
- HAve a goal and vision in mind. so you can focus.
- Like what you do, like to study
- Remember to Rest. Even before exams.
- Study in front of com. Never helps, and even if you think you can study, you can't.
- Never quantity but quality. Spend proper time and study SMART.
- But never give in and use point 2 as an excuse to study an hour a day.
- Eat heavy meals before studying, you'll sleep.
- Multi-task while studying. Never helps.
- Over-stress yourself. A happey student makes good results.
- Burn the oil. Sleep when you're tired.
- Think you know it all. You don't, so study...
Well thats about it, hope it helps...=p
Friday, October 14, 2005
Goodbye my friends...Hopefully this aint the end

This is my SS teacher, Mr goy, well....He's a cool guy, supposedly handsome??=p
Ok this is Cai lao shi, well he's real boring!!!woohoo!!! but still took a pic with him...=p
Right This is Mr Kuok, heh realise we're al ini V formation...=p
Right, Till date she's the best teacher, Queenie Chua, great chem teacher!!
My Sec 3 SS teacher, Tan Chin
We drank so much we got drunk......
MY DM!!! Dennis a shot with him...=p
AHHHH!!!! its so much to upload!! getting bored....bleh...upload another time ba...wait one last pic!!!
This is like the prettiest teacher in the whole school...wahaha!! =p...
Msn me if u want anymore pics!!=)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005
It is finally over...but am i rejoicing?? I wonder
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
last week
Monday, September 26, 2005
Do what you love, Love what you do
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Why am I doing this??
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Stage 2
Friday, September 16, 2005
Be healed!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Wo Ke Shou
It means "I'm coughing" in chinese. Amazingly, I'm sick. Yes Lionel Choong is actually sick. And Its real this time. Forgetting all those fake ones during NPCC. Heh. Well I'm kinda shocked that I fell sick. I don't think its normal or natural. The only time I'm ALWAYS sick is yes chinese new year. Thats when I stuff my sad little stomach with all those junk food. Well I went to the doc on Sunday. He said its a throat infection. OUCH!!!! That kinda pierced my heart. I mean it sounded bad. Then he said it can be cured in 2 or 3 days. Hmmm Well this is the 2nd day and it only got a little better. I dunno how this stuff works
I hate the taste of medicine. Always disliked it. And every morning I'm forced to eat a few tablets of sun chorella. Eeeee. What to do with 'Kiasu' Parents. Heh.
Well Its a real pain man. I pray that my throat gets healed soon. Its so so annoying!! For once I'm like actually following my doc's instructions when he said "boy no fried food". Heh I dunno But maybe its stress?? Hmmm.Ya Think its stress....Yeah Its confirm stress. =)
Monday, September 12, 2005
What can i do?? heh...wat to do?? Think i'll go download songs....yeah...hopefully that seems interesting.
Well I was kinda looking back at some photos and wow. I realised everybody has changed. With the exceptions of one or two. People seem to mature at different rates. Heh. Well think i'm done. To all Maris...Enjoy your practicals!!!! =)
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Empty handed

Empty handed but
Alive in your hands.....
Sunday, September 04, 2005
My Cup runs over!!!
The Devil is bad
And we win!
Whatever happens, everything happens for a good reason and we always seem to win!! Ain't tat cool?? Well I admit, there have been disappointments. But somehow it always seem that everytime bad things happen, and it passes...Something good happens!
It may seem so simple, frankly that has been the way it is!! I have been tremendously blessed by so many things these pass few days!! A few weeks ago, my Mum actually offered to get a new phone for me!! Wow man!! how often does that happen?? And its A Motorola V3!!!! WOW man!!
Last week when I just gave my very first fruits, I was given $200 by my grand parents as a real belated birthday gift.
Today I was real blessed by many usher leaders who indeed really pushed and inspired me!! its so coooool!! Not just that!! Cut long story short!! I was actually offered a job!! By Pst Lilian!! Wow man!! I was thinking of working after O's, I haven even started looking for one and I'm already offered one!! This is really a God Appointment!!
You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over - King David
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Start your Engines!!
I stopped the car 4 days ago, now I gotta struggle to restart my engine!! Perhaps the old traditional method of giving a good old kick may work..........If anybody is reading this......Bring me into reality by doing what is needed!!!
The battle is over, however the war is not lost!! Well recently I just watched Gladiator. So totally cool! Well relating back, heh it seems the general became a slave and the slave overpowered the emperor, hopefully one day I can overpower these books of mine....
Sounds totally psychotic?? Frankly, I'm tired of being that just sounds wierd... I take back what I just said...Wait why am I typing whatever that runs thru my mind on this blog? Hmmm...this is wierd....I'm losing it...heh....
Tell me what you want, want you really really want.....Lionel SiNGssssss!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 29, 2005
Will you run with me??
If there's a will, there's a way.............
Thursday, August 25, 2005
It Is finished
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
1) Stress, everybody experiences this, rushing for time, lack of sleep, days of tireless studying. This is very common.
2) Lack of sleep resulting in eye bags!! Hmmm though its really ugly, i guess this can be tolerated. Maybe cause almost everybody has it?? even though you sleep like real early.
3)Realise you're gonna fail anyway. This is bad, you lose motivation to study and fail, continueing a very vicious cycle.
4) Losing your mind. This is when you start laughing for no apparent reason or start speaking way out of point at times. K this is rare...but it happens....this is scary...
5)Anti-socialism. This is when you begin to be so competitive or stress you begin to backstab people or ignore every friend you come across just cuz you wanna spend more time studying.
6)Indulging in Food. This is an outlet for relieving stress...once again...its a scary cycle.
7)Pimple Outbreak. This is the saddest of all. You get so stress, outbreak!! Whatever happens...please please...avoid this!!! Its a disaster!! Seriously...I noticed a few in my class having please people!! Study hard but take care of your face!!=) Hopefully this helps any O or A level student...heh...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Time to Shine!!
Monday, August 15, 2005
I can do the impossible
God is bigger than the air I breathe
The world we'll leave
God will save the day and all will say
My glorious!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Explore Explore
Ok fine, I'm lame, I'm bored, but yeah chanced upon a blog and this person commented this on FOP ushering. "I envy those who couldn't feel their legs, I could feel mine, and they hurt." Heh...
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
All I Need is you , All I need is you Lord, Is you Lord..............
Monday, August 08, 2005
Festival of Prasie
Friday Came homr from school, printed some stuff, got prayed up and reported for duty. And yes for the first time I worked with Sijia. Haha! Helped Sis beat for traffic then immediately went down to run for 80 or brother alex at 7. Was kinda hectic, people everywhere, learnt the importance of even the smallest things, not just the big picture but the minority as well! Praise and Worship was a real experience!!
Saturday went down a little early, did support, same thing, wow things like bottle necks, work stoppages, it all seems so clear! There after. Got ready for FOP! It's round 2! I felt Everything seemed to flow better, even got to work with heart of god ushers! Now saturday was real tiring.
However Praise and Worship was still awesome!! Majesty, Take all of me, all i need is you, I give you my heart, all these songs were sung, I loved them!! Wahaha!! Delerious was cool, Hillsong as well! Well that night, my brother for some reason called me to help him in traffic. hmmm ok. So helped him for a while. But i was sooooooo tired!! at like 1145 was literally waiting for my bro at logistics, then waited outside cause logistics needed to pack. then at like 12, my bro finally decided to go home!! WOOHOO! he passed me his jacket cover asking me to hold it, but then he grabbed my hand and pulled me, everybody around started singing happy birthday!! Then I realised!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! 7th august!! Haha! I was so touched by it!=)
Sunday!! My brothday day!! haha well yes I still served!! This time with joy! Some people ask whats the best gift? HMmm frankly I would say, being able to serve God on my brithday!! wahaha!! Won't say much about duty but yeah wanna thank a few peopel overall for this FOP!!
Qing Ni - Guided me well!! Taught me much!! If you have not been here! I doubt I'll be where I am now!! Thanks abot!!
Sis shirley, Bro Eugene - You've given opportunities to serve as much as I can!! I expand my capacity and taught me much!! thanks so much!!
My CG W216!! - Despite them not being around me for this whole FOP, you've all helped me alot my by all of those sms!!
Bro Alex!! - Thanks so so so much for giving me this opporutnity!! It was indeed enjoyable running for you!! I have learnt much!! Absorbed much!! What I have gotten in SIS i'll bring it back and pass it to everybody!!
All ushers!! - Sorry If you're not mentioned but yeah! It's great working with all of you!!
Oh yeah one last person, last but not least,
Sijia - Well it's like the first time working with you?? Thought you really did a great job, never expected to work with you that well, expected us to joke around alot heh. But yeah I hope you learnt something this FOP!! COntinue to grow yeah!! I did have fun running along side with you!!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Miracles do happen
Whatever God calls for He provides - Pst Kong
Monday, August 01, 2005
Something Amiss
Well nontheless next week is FOP. Well I was pleasently surprised by many things. I frankly don't know if this is good or bad. Prelims in 2 weeks. But many things were assigned to me. 1) I just recieved my position for FOP, Gonna run for Brother Alex once again!! Hopefully it'll be fun this time! 2)Recruitment! 3)Photos for Lawrence. Well it can all work well. But one thing! Time management! =) and definitely With God I can do all things!
Friday, July 29, 2005
You don't understand me? I don't understand you? So why care?
Soon enough, rumour spread and gossiping began, from white became black. Soon many friends began toexclude him from conversations, keep away from him. The most hurtful thing was that we were all close friends, I mean one of the best of friends, then huh?? It all crumbled in an instant? I was annoyed not by what he did but how my friends reacted!
Instead of being angry, understand him! I'm sure he isn't a heartless man! Not only that. HELLO!!! We were a pose at first, definitely we can understand each other. However it seems not. Just because of 1 girl. there goes years of friendship. Frankly I'm dissapointed. Very dissapointed. If you know he is that bad, instead of condemning him, ever thought of changing him? It ain't going to be easy, but someone has to do it!?
Before we reach for Hate, Remember The Titans!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Why Why Why
Well your purpose has to motivate you! WHatever it is! Be driven by that purpose you are studying for! I know why I am studying so hard. I study to release my potential, to impact people, for God's Glory, For God's future purpose!! I simply don't see the point of being the smartest guy and most successful guy on Earth but have no form of happiness. Now with your purpose in your eyes, go full steam!!
Complaining is the language of victims. - Phil Pringle
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Doing what I can
I have spent almost every moment with him talking to him about this matter. Getting him to get back on track and not be so distracted. However it was all in vain. Then I thought "Ahhh why don't I just give up on him, after all its his life." Then I don't know what but I felt kinda bad for even thinking that. Then it came so clearly, perhaps he isn't you, and you can't get him to follow every single thing you say. It's gonna be a different approach from now.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Potential...Maximise it!!
With Purpose Comes Pain - Dr Ar Benard
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Nike : Leave the old self
Leave your Old Self - NIKE
2 am
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Tick tock tick tock
"BUT GOD made a way when there is no other way!!" - Phil pringle
Monday, July 18, 2005
Saturday I was rather inspired by a movie. Remember the Titans. It was a rather simple show. Or rather that's what I expected. It was so touching. A very good show. A must watch for everybody!!
I leave you with this phrase. "Before you reach for hatred, Remember the titans"
Saturday, July 16, 2005
It is finally finished!
Last but not least. Spit Fire!! God Bless!!All the best! Rock on!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Wow busy busy heh
Thursday kinda forgot what I did, but remember I was real shack that day, can't remember why. Friday went to church super early to study, before overnight PM. Studied like for 5 hours. Was real tired!! Then reported and ushered for the overnight PM. Did hotel 4, hmmm perhaps this was a below average duty, but nontheless still had fun! Presence of God was extremely strong that night!! Much stronger than the 1st overnight. However it was also much tiring physically!
Saturday had CG. There was a great breakthrough in the sprirtual atmosphere, you could feel it in the air, in the spirit man inside. Wow!! Thank God for that!!
Sunday!! Wow I was so happy!! well I got promoted! heh frankly I was kinda surprised by my cgl in the morning giving me a call and congratulating me. well at first I was ok, MM le. Hmmm ya lor. Didn't really think it was THAT big. However I was pleasently surprised by my beloved 10E. they popped out and gave me a card and a book. I was soo happy!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday all started to chiong le!! Now i'm sleeping at 2 everynight!! It feels real tiring! But!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Would would make my day??
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Smile!! It makes a difference
Saturday, July 02, 2005
A moment like this...
Friday, July 01, 2005
Step Out!! From your comfort zone!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Nobody said it's going to be easy
Nobody said it's easy to do study and get 6 points.
Nobody said it's easy to plan out Expo
Nobody said It's easy to Impact people.
Nobody said it's easy to keep fit.
Nobody said it's easy to keep cool in the face of sure failure.
Nobody said it's easy to believe and day despite doubts i continue.
Nobody said all of these are easy at all.
But heh. If it's so easy, where's the fun in that! If it's so easy, there ain't not kick.
Monday, June 27, 2005
49 days
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Petrol Man
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
In spite of doubt!!
Monday, June 20, 2005
Interestin post
"the way Yoda killed those clone guards way taller than him... height isn't everything, i console myself".
yoda's got more brains than you can imagine under those favorite yoda quote comes from the Empire Strikes Back, where he was teaching luke the way of the force..."Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda...
And when luke fails in lifting his battleship out of the marsh and yoda suceeds, luke says:"I can't believe it!" yoda replies:"that is why you fail...
"hmmm... words of wisdom from a fictional character- if we only try, no wonder we don't succeed. we have to (nike) "Just do it!"
Well i found it a little hilarious to see all this on her blog. heh!! and it all has some moral to it...maybe not the height one...heh!
back to reality
Thursday, June 16, 2005
It's been a while!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Can one man make that difference??
Friday, June 10, 2005
Indeed Extraodinary
Sunday, June 05, 2005
"God didn’t have one of you. He wanted one of you. So he Made one of you.
The key is the revelation of who God is and who we are, this changes our destiny."