This may sound awfully similar to my brother's preaching challenge but well I read through Bill Wilson's book and thought this was real good. Its long but please do take time to read!
This story is picked up in the bible Numbers 16. When all of Israel didn't like what God gave them, complaining, they were rebeling against not just Moses but God himself.At this point God sent a plague through out all of israel.A wave of death was in the air and into the crowd. The people started dying, 14700 people died! Understand this, there is an urgency when so many people are dying to DO SOMETHING!!! You don't have to but you choose to!
But can one man make a difference? Do you honestly think or believe in your gut that one man can make a difference in this thing we call christianity? We all say one man can make a difference, it's nice christian talk, proclaiming that in Bible School is great. But do you really believe it? Think about it, can you change this country? Can you change this marketplace as a student??
Back to numbers 16, the people are dying!! Moses turned to Aaron and said "Go do Something!" The instruction was to do something because they were faced with such a situation. And what do you do when people are falling over dead, one by one. Notice that Aaron was close enough to be affected by this, that demanded a response. The instruction was to run to the alter to do something! The urgency is screaming! It demands action! Aaron then grabbed a censer which is like a cup, ran to the alter scoop some fire ran to the middle of the crowd. However at this point Aaron didn't know what he was doing, he just doing something. And in the bible it says that where he stood the dying stopped.
This says it all. Aaron was standing IN THE GAP between the living and the dead. Where he stood the dying stopped! Can one man make that difference?? Aaron made the difference! But what did he do?? He ran to the alter caught the fire and plunged into the crowd. Aaron and the fire was all that stood between the living and the dead! ONE MAN made that move, that individual became a catalyst for all that followed, they made a difference.
In this relevant world, most imprtantly its about building relationships, don't just knock on every door, but make a difference in thier lives. We have to be the ones making the difference! Like Aaron do something which makes a difference!! Catch that fire!! From God!! Plunge into that crowd and make that difference!! After that, others will follow doing the same as you!Everyday people regular workers no hotshots or any of that sort, just faithful people who really care! Some say I can't do it!! Its too tough!! Aaron was 100 years old when he ran to tha alter! Yes you can can do it, you just don't want to! A man giving food to an orphan, that man made a difference in theat orphans life!
Can one man make that difference?? YEAH!!! Its all said, just remember there are people out there dying falling away to the Prince of this World! There are people dying!!! And it takes one man!! One you, One me to make a difference to those people!
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