Social media, advertising and marketing have sensationalized the big battle.
You see the big games on the court or field. You see clips of big dunks and big lifts.
You see the big battles and big victories.
Little do they know that the big battles have already been decided weeks before it has even begun
The media has perverted the way someone actually achieves success
it begins in the small battles and the big one is just the one tipping point of it all.
It's the little things in your life that count, not the small ones.
The BIG battles could be, Making that big Clean or Snatch.
It could be the big business deal which is about to be clinched.
But really, the important moments are the small ones.
Just turning up day after day, is a victory in itself.
Deciding to show up, deciding to make a conscious decision to push yourself daily.
Not giving up when you're tired, not from the workout or from your job, but deep down inside in your spirit.
That's a small victory.
It's these small victories which make a man.
Rich Froning wasn't made overnight. I'm sure he had many small battles.
Live life like Christ, fight those small battles day after day, to make yourself count for Christ.
Fight the temptation, that nudging thought in your head, it might be a small battle, but win them all.

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