We very often, take for granted, the simple joys of life.
We really do, and it's quite sad to see that sometimes.
They say that you never know how much something means to you when you actually lose it.
Yeap, that's what happened to me.
We take for granted, the simple things and we even complain about doing them.
We whine and complain about doing thrusters (oh we hate those, don't we)
We're constantly contemplating whether we should miss the workout if it involves something we don't like.
But now after injuring my shoulder...
I am so envious of everyone who can do anything shoulder related.
I look at those who do pull ups, thrusters, toes to bars and I gaze with jealousy.
You don't know how much I wish I could just hop on and crank those reps away.
You have no idea what that means to me and how one would feel.
So it seems that what they say, about how you never know what treasure really is till you lose it...
Is really true.
I've taken for granted, my ability to use my shoulders and I've learnt to appreciate this God given gift.
Not just for my shoulders but even for my legs.
Not just in Crossfit, but even in church.
We so often, take for granted, the ability to raise our hands in worship.
We get lazy and instead of really raising our hands, we take the easy option and rest them on our laps.
They call it a sacrifice of praise for a reason.
It's supposed to be done, especially so, when it's the hardest.
I never knew what that mean till last weekend.
When lifting my hands felt so so so hard.
And the inability to do so crushed me just a little bit more than it normally did.
But there were moments where I was able to summon some flexibility and strength to raise them.
Those moments felt magical, those moments (no matter how many seconds they were), made my day.
So take it from me.
You may not be able to fully understand how I feel (Till you actually go through it)
but maybe this will allow you to understand.
That at every junction in life.
Take some time to smell the flowers and appreciate the small beauties around us.
That's how we become...
"More than conquerors".

We really do, and it's quite sad to see that sometimes.
They say that you never know how much something means to you when you actually lose it.
Yeap, that's what happened to me.
We take for granted, the simple things and we even complain about doing them.
We whine and complain about doing thrusters (oh we hate those, don't we)
We're constantly contemplating whether we should miss the workout if it involves something we don't like.
But now after injuring my shoulder...
I am so envious of everyone who can do anything shoulder related.
I look at those who do pull ups, thrusters, toes to bars and I gaze with jealousy.
You don't know how much I wish I could just hop on and crank those reps away.
You have no idea what that means to me and how one would feel.
So it seems that what they say, about how you never know what treasure really is till you lose it...
Is really true.
I've taken for granted, my ability to use my shoulders and I've learnt to appreciate this God given gift.
Not just for my shoulders but even for my legs.
Not just in Crossfit, but even in church.
We so often, take for granted, the ability to raise our hands in worship.
We get lazy and instead of really raising our hands, we take the easy option and rest them on our laps.
They call it a sacrifice of praise for a reason.
It's supposed to be done, especially so, when it's the hardest.
I never knew what that mean till last weekend.
When lifting my hands felt so so so hard.
And the inability to do so crushed me just a little bit more than it normally did.
But there were moments where I was able to summon some flexibility and strength to raise them.
Those moments felt magical, those moments (no matter how many seconds they were), made my day.
So take it from me.
You may not be able to fully understand how I feel (Till you actually go through it)
but maybe this will allow you to understand.
That at every junction in life.
Take some time to smell the flowers and appreciate the small beauties around us.
That's how we become...
"More than conquerors".

get well soon Lionel :)
so proud of you and your beliefs :') stay heartstrong:)
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