They all say that they just wanna get stronger and the heavy stuff has been pulling them down dramatically.
But is it? Or is it something we just want to believe in?
We all have weaknesses in our lives, not just in Crossfit.
Yes, sometimes we are deficient in one area more than the other.
In this instance, it's going to be in the area of strength.
For me, its that way too, I suck at anything heavy, I suck at it so badly.
Although I'm honestly lifting heavy for my small size, it's still mediocre compared to the big boys in my box.
When it comes to the heavy metcon, I suck at it even more.
But really, is that it? So if strength is my biggest weakness, should I devote all my time to punching it out?
Well, previous Crossfit Games Champion Jason Khalipa states it very clearly.
"Question to ask yourself. Is strength really your weakness? I find so many CrossFitters working strength as a "weakness." My question is, "Can you do muscle ups well, HSPU's, run? What is your Fran, Cindy, FGB. Often times it's easy to look at strength numbers and quantify where you are at compared to others. Don't neglect CrossFit workouts. You may have weaknesses elsewhere."
- Jason Khalipa
When its time to put the mantle to the test, that's when ALL your weaknesses gets revealed.
Your strength may be your weakness.
But my question to you is...
Does that translate into neglecting fixing up on other weaknesses too?
Of course, of course, Crossfit focuses on strength so much since this aspect of fitness can be best translated into almost every other segment of fitness easily.
But that doesn't mean neglect the other stuff too.
"Lift heavy and smash your weaknesses"
Everyday, we all have 24 hours.
We have different priorities and "weaknesses"
Take time, to identify what is your "strength' aspect of fitness in your life
What is it that you're really not good at, but you know that if you work on it, gains will be seen on all areas of your life.
It could be spirituality? It could be how your live your life in your household.
Get a hold of that and work it and work it hard.
However, don't forget the other weaknesses too, don't forget the small details.
That makes a world of a difference.

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