Saturday, August 11, 2012

CROSS-fit #89 Emotions

We seldom think about well, our emotions, our thoughts, our feelings.
Talking about them during the pulpit sessions seem the be the easiest doesn't it?
Reflecting about them in a very intimate way is easiest when you're quiet with yourself.
But what when all hell breaks loose.
What about when you're faced with the biggest moment in your life.
Would you have the capability to control your emotions?
Your thoughts and your feelings?
Would you be able to control those jitters? Or that feeling of climbing over your fellow friends to reach the prize? Or downplaying every other team mate in your pack to just look good?
Very often, those come as instincts.
And when we look at others, it's always easier to look at them with the prick in the eye isn't it?
Like you just don't want those emotions in you.

Just imagine a lifter doing something totally wrong.
What goes through your mind?
How can that fella improve right?
But what comes immediately...

So take that idea of looked at other negatively and do that to yourself.
Look at yourself and think about it.
Instead of what you desire in yourself...
What do you NOT want to see in yourself.
Stamp that out quick.
It's an easy way to identify what's good and what's bad.
Then meditate and build a better life for yourself, before doing so for others.
So make sure that your emotions are right before the Game Day, before any D-Day

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