Maybe to some, so concludes their ever elusive dream of competing in the main arena.
Where the big boys roll.
To some, it's just the start of something big, something amazing.
But at the end of it all, do we become better or bitter?
Do we stand taller than how we were like before?
What have we learnt...
They say that every single day is just a sum of whatever that has happened in days before.
Well, it is true. Everything that happens today, will eventually affect tomorrow.
Disregard your entire past, it's all about today.
The past has come and gone, results have come and gone, past relationships, past sins.
All of them have met their expiry date.
Yeah, you may have messed up in all the open WODs, man you may have even messed your entire life up...
But what are you going to do about it?
Let all those dreams slip away? Beat yourself up over it? Or get up and learn from them...
No matter what happens in the future, you can better yourself NOW.
I kind of messed up in all the Open workouts. In one way or another...
Shouldn't have been drinking in the months before that... weeks before that even.
Should have gotten more rest.
Should have worked on my weaknesses more each time....
We all have our 'should' and things we could all place blame upon.
Pluck that courage up and admit that you've made them mistakes.
That you aren't strong enough and you've got things to work on.
After competing, over the past few days, I've come up with a list...
Am I ashamed of my weaknesses?
I'd rather be aware of them, expose them, so they have no power over me...
Cause one day, my weaknesses will becomes strengths.
Items on the left will go to the right.
Make it YOUR decision today.
It's only march and the great thing is that the year is barely through. Make some decisions for yourself today...
To be a better you, tomorrow.
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