The semester has finally started. I have to admit, not to one of my liking.
Firstly, I overslept and secondly, I was slightly late for my very first lecture.
Not forgetting the lecture was made up of pure Gibbrish which I totally do not understand.
However, that aside, I still am quite stoked for my first lectures for other mods.
Wondering how it'll all be like. I just hope I've somewhat have friends over there to have fun with.
Somehow, the air feels different.
Perhaps, I'm still slightly scarred from the devastating results of last semester.
it wasn't pleasant at all. It's one thing to say get over it and another to really do so.
Yeah walking the walk is a whole lot tougher than actually talking about it.
Maybe that's why I'm partially dreading school this semester.
I had originally anticipated my years in university to be survivable.
But it seems that it is not the case. I've got to do it with some companions.
Thus finding them this semester is so going to bring me out of my comfort zone.
Not only that, I'm really going to go for the depth and not just for the sake of grades.
Today was the release of O's. Someone tweeted this which made sense.
"Don't let a piece of paper determine who you are, you're made of much better stuff".
That being spoken, I ain't letting anything really hinder me.
As the old saying goes, chase excellence and success will come chasing you with it's pants down.
So that's the rough game plan this semester.
I'm gonna say hi to many of the ISE peeps and make an unusual effort to venture into the unknown. (I have to admit that many of the modules I'm taking this time round seem pretty interesting)
Well, apart from the grades. I've realized....
It really isn't about how well you do... Is it?
We all live in this sad reality to go after the paper. Absorbed in this rat race.
But this isn't what I want to do. It isn't just for grades, it's for everything in life...
You don't need to be the first, you don't need to be the best.
You just need to do what you love and love what you do. Don't let it get to a routine, a feat which you need to accomplish to prove a point.
In lecture today, one thing I caught was well, how you define success. Many people define it in really odd strange ways, but to me... It isn't about being the best or matters like that.
Do it cause you want to better yourself and pursue you passion.
Even in well, seemingly trivial issues in life.
I sucked at crossfit today. I didn't match up to the big boys...
However, that in no way puts me on lower ranking than them. That's well, the beauty of it.
Being the first brings no reward, giving your all brings better returns.
Cause you don't get puffed up on the loss of others, you get an esteem from yourself and who YOU are. Nothing relative, nothing based on others.
It's all about who you've been and who you are 6 minutes later...
Maybe that's what a family is about. At least the crossfit family...
Not about being the first, but being one of those who did it.
If I loss to them, so what? They were the people who were cheering for me when I fell today.
Now that, is sweet.

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