Listening to : Christmas Lights - Coldplay
Now, I'm sorely lacking in sleep. Very much content in my heart.
However, I'm somewhat put down, or in a better sense slightly burdened by something i read.
While surfing the net, I came across a page on CNA. Well, it's about foreign domestic workers.
On this Christmas day, where everyone is out enjoying and appreciating one another.
It really is a big damp on their spirits when somehow they're unable to do so.
For some, it's cause they can't or isn't let out of the house.
But for many, it's well cause they have no one to spend it with.
I count myself tremendously blessed to have many to celebrate Christmas with.
I've recently been called the one who makes Christmas a big deal.
Well, why shouldn't we? It's Christmas and everyone should be spending some time acknowledging the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I know that for some, they don't believe and all that... But beyond religion, isn't it a place for people to well... Come together and appreciate. What they've got..
So yeah, if I didn't have anyone to spend Christmas with, I'll be quite sad.
So I just had a simple wonder, I guess there're many whom don't have such a privilege.
Many who don't have a family understanding enough to appreciate them or to love them.
Christmas is just another day to sleep in and enjoy the Public Holiday. No spirit whatsoever...
For some, they just don't have anything for themselves at all.
My heart really does ache for them. Maybe cause I think back and realize that well, maybe I haven't been to appreciative to people whom DON'T have people to spend it with.
I guess it's just me? But to have people simply indulging in themselves, not going to people who really want to spend Christmas with someone lonely is somewhat selfish.
I'm glad that at least Gina has friends and family to go out with, have dinner and celebrate Christmas with on such a day.
Well, I just somewhat hoped that she would find joy in spending it with well... me, my family.
I know we have to reach the lost.... I really know so...
But... Maybe just for this year, I'm sticking my head out more for these people...
Even at dinner today, looking at my grandparents, makes me smile...
Seeing a tweet from a friend.
"no better way to spend Christmas dinner than to be with my grandma in Hospital."
We easily overlook, neglect and sometimes even trample upon people who need our attention.
I'm not trying to sound philanthropic or anything of sorts...
Well, for someone whose Christmas doesn't feel like one at all...
Maybe those Christmas lights can really light someones life up. That little trip to Orchard road, that little trip to church can make them feel like the World once again.
This Christmas, many feel that nobody cares...
I know it may be too late, but it's still in the season, be that Christmas Light for someone.
Light up the fireworks within them. Cause their smile may mean the World to you.
Maybe specifically, to that person living next door, that one living downstairs, the person who has been looking over you for the past 21 years of your life. Small or big, do it today. :)
Once again, wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
2010 was amazing, 2011 will be better!

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