Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Listening to : Party all the time - Black Eyed Peas

2 weeks have passed and here I am.
I have to admit, with hands up in the air, these 2 weeks have been the most life changing ever.
Ok, apart from the occasional A level results etc etc.
I'm quite sure that this 2 weeks would be the highlight of the year for me.
Yes, it is the one and only.
Asia Conference.

I have to be honest and true, I haven't been very excited about it.
Really, 1 month before, I haven't caught any AC fever whatsoever.
In fact, I've been rather against it with many rehearsals, auditions etc etc.
It's really been a torture to go through all of them.
But I have to come very blatantly, I was wrong.
The days of Asia conference and even the days leading up to it were phenomenal.
I mean, AMA----ZING!

For most normal conferences, I would be really focused and thinking that alright, I'm on duty.
I'm serving, however, this time round, it came across slightly differently.
I'm here, I'm serving, I'm changing Asia with this.
Every person I usher to the seat would probably be able to speak to his church a whole lot more effectively. He would really change his nation!
Did I receive much? Really honestly, apart from the few phrases, words and moments.
I didn't really catch much. But am I satisfied? Of course I am!!!
I really do believe, that it is a whole lot more blessed to give than to receive!!
I was so glad to be a blessing to others, to be able to be part of a huge conference such as this.

Apart from the ushering, yes. It was the one thing I've been hoping for.
Yes, I WON! But I really don't care much about that.
Really, cause I already knew I was a winner way before we stepped out of the curtains.
The banners, the love, the support, the sacrifice, the friendship.
I knew that even if I left empty handed, I was a total winner!! :))

One thing I really took away....
The LOVE for one another. Oh how much more I would want.
How much more I would give...

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