It's very easy all the time to get up on your feet and be angry in whatever situation you are in.
It's even easier if you look down at your situation and become angsty about it.
We get angry in the simplest of circumstances.
Yes, I got a little agitated today.
Not just today, but the whole of the past 3 days in fact.
I've been largely bothered my my computer, it is unable to detect any hardware except my Iphone.
As strange as that sounds, it's really been bothering me, if any one knows why, do pm me.
But either way, when this occurred, I had a very normal reaction.
I got really annoyed, irritated and yes angry.
I brought it to the next few days till today.
I was this close to exploding because of such a small issue.
Talking about making a mountain out of a molehill. That was the epitome of it all.
But as I began to reflect on the things that have occurred the past few days.
I know I should be studying, mugging for my coming exam on Friday.
But I just felt the need to express my thoughts and feelings on this.
That getting angry, getting agitated, losing your cool. Is really a CHOICE.
We make that choice out of various circumstances in our lives.
But more importantly, we make that choice out of a DECISION.
You decide whether to give in to the devil or not.
I'd like to think that our lives, is a 24/7 battle.
What's there to expect from a battle-hungry-always-energetic guy yeah?
But ya, the fact still remains that it is true.
Our lives is a battlefield, we are the battle.
God is fighting and the devil is fighting.
We choose who wins, we choose who gets the better of us.
When we get down to the wire, we get angry, we lost our cool, we forget to love.
It is so easy to garner self pity over yourself. But beyond that.
Instead of getting angry over your situation, your friend or even yourself.
Thank God in everything. In every situation that you are in.
When things go rough. Praise God in those circumstances.
I have learnt that valuable lesson today.
It was by far one of the worst ever. Really.
But I guess I chose to be happy, I chose to have a lifted spirit.
I realized that choosing to thank God In all things is better than getting angry.
It's just a waste of time, energy and life to get angry.
What's more. I know what I am today. I know what God thinks of me.
I know that getting angry won't help. But thinking of those things will liven me up.
I am a Child of GOD
I have a good future and a hope
I am Chosen
I have Love poured in me
I am More Than A Conqueror
My Smile makes GOD Smile
I have a purpose
The will and purpose GOD has for my life is amazing
I am able to make mountains move
I can change the World by Changing Lives
I am persistent to make it happen
The Love that comes out from my life can change lives
The people around me Love me more than I think
I am secure in Life and in my Future
I am placed on this Earth to Reign
I am an overcomes in all times of trials
Every trial coming at me is a stepping stone to success
If God is for me, who can be against me
Jesus is praying for my success all the time, even now
The Word of God is the core of my life
I am or Worth
I am able to do IMPOSSIBLE things!
God loves me more than I ever know
I need not be ashamed of who I am
I am right beside GOD
Today is my day of victory
Today is my day of Purpose
Today is MY DAY!
Just saying all that already makes me feel that I'm going to do amazing stuff.
That getting angry is too trivial a matter.
That my life is more than this.
What is God thinking of you today?