Listening to : No One - Alicia Keys
So it seems I have come to talk about one big part of not just my life but i'm sure EVERYONES life.
Yes, I may be considered gay / fag / Jovi-like after this post.
BUT OH WELL!! Those who know should know I'm beyond those.
Either way! I should really be bathing and readying to sleep rather than blogging.
I'll finish this in ten minutes!
Recently a friend commented on a relationship between couples.
How'd you know she's the one?? Why do u even love him / her?
Surprising question eh...
Not new to many but honestly difficult to put a finger on the real answer....
I've thought about it before and I guess I've come to the conclusion....
You love someone for who the person is, the bad and good side.
yes, the good and bad habits ( not saying we shouldn't change! )
SO!! The next question was shot!!
So if your partner loves u for who you are, why would he / she ask you to change?
If she loves all of you, would she accept your deepest flaws and expect u not to change?
Should love be a walk in the park?? Or filled with bitter torns??
Would u sacrifice change and go through the torment of it just to be in 'Love'?
Well, Yes it is.
I've thought about many reasons. Though people say that we shouldn't have a relationship based on compromising and giving in all the time.
Isn't Love really about pleasing the other party?? Not so much about feeling happy for yourself.
This is the most cliche statement in the past few years "As long as you are happy, I am happy".
We see such statements in movies, dramas (esp dramas ) and songs and everything.
But it really is the case, if you're tired of giving in, tired of saying yes...
Then maybe you really ain't in Love at all.....
Guess nowadays with such high divorce rate, it really is a challenge to fight for our relationships.
When some say they wanna break up and get together, i honestly think its rubbish.
Sorry for all those who are reading this and wanna kill me.
In fact, what makes u think u can hold on for eternity if u can't do so now!
Yes I think this is it for now. Hopefully there'll be a part 2 of Lionel's love lessons.
Ok, I really shouldn't call it that. It should be Lionels.....
AHHHH. Whatever!!! But love need not only be restricted to initmate romances.
Even to your friends, do u seek to extract?? Or implant??
Go Figure.
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