If you ever ever thought that you've seen one of the best concerts in your life.
You haven't if you have yet to see COLDPLAY!!!
Yesterday was the surprise day where me and my bro brought sally and shiming to Coldplay's Viva La Vida tour!It was so out of this world! I've seen their concerts so many times on youtube.
Ps. I am a real HUGE fan of coldplay.
I Really am. However, i didn't expect the concert to be so mindblowing.
It started with the first life in technicolor where they got in position.
They seemed to time it so well such that when Chris Martin got in position and the first strum he made (which seemed so unnaturally natural), he was in total sync.
It was really mesmerizing.
Then they moved on to Violet Hill where they had some fun with the crowd and got us wild.
Then came one of my favourites. Clocks.
Then another big timer. Yellow. I love it man.
The way they hyped the crowd, climaxed at several parts of the song.
Wow. man.
Then came my favourite. Fix you.
I know many people say that their favourite would be viva la vida or life in technicolor.
I know many people say that their favourite would be viva la vida or life in technicolor.
However, It really is the Old School.
And i wasn't disappointed. When the Bang came he really BANGED!
Jumping all around the stage and literally getting people jumping.
WOW! I've never been so impressed by a single performance before!
They didn't take breaks in the WHOLE concert. Ok maybe a 3 min one in which they even made us do something amazing to entertain us while they change up. A HANDPHONE KALLANG WAVE!
Also, they even went into the middle of the audience standing on a make shift platform to do a few acoustics. I was THIS CLOSE to them! Ok its relative. Let me show you.
So i was THIS CLOSE TO THEM! I was so enetertained by it i still have yet to get over the whole event yesterday. I even bought a book. I have to admit, coldplay really is the best band. If they come again. I will watch them. I'll be the first to buy their tickets for sure. Not only that, if you are reading this and you didn't catch them. Please do so. For Viva La Vida and Death and All His Friends.

Yes my feet will not touch the ground now. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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