Listening to : Lovers in Japan - Coldplay
"Those with the will to fight are those with the will to succeed."
Not too sure who said those words...
Maybe I just came up with it...
However, i figured thats really an important phrase to do well in anything.
Friday we had the mens meeting, it was Awesome stuff!
The main takeaway for that night was really about how to rise up!
To awaken the mighty men within!
Not be afraid of that challenges in your life.
To never stop fighting!
I'm not only talking about how one should literally FIGHT.
But i'm talking about how one should Fight on the inside.
To resist temptation, to never give up, to fight for that which you believe in, to stretch and expand your capacity.
When something hits you, YOU HIT BACK!
I'm not really explaining the "show your other cheek to your enemy" idea.
But thats really what i think.
If I were to phrase it in my own words and how my school guys would say it.
Don't be a Pussy! Just keep fighting on!
This actually reminds me of a movie, "Never Back Down".
Awesome show of how one person never gave up and fought for what he believed in.
Quite pumped after such a movie actually. More pumped to fight and plough through till victory.
Fight to stay positive, to be happy, to be a champion.
Everyone has that one fight in their lives, be it against old habits, to win someone over, or to simply overcome your negative mind.
If you were to win that fight, everything else would be a walk in the park.
I was raised as a sportsmen, so i figured its really true how we should keep fighting in our minds and in our bodies. Cause if we lose that fighting spirit, we lose.
I think i'll make a good spokesperson for the SAF core values.
Well, I guess even for my workplace, it ain't easy, its alot easier to give up than to press on.
But after hearin what i did on friday, I'm more than ready to take on the challenges of the week.
if you don't believe me, just try it.
There's a battle everyday, every moment. in you. Against yourself.
Loving it? I sure am....
That which don't kill you only makes you stronger
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Listening to : Cemeteries of London - Coldplay

Be my mirror my sword my shield, my missionaries on a foreign field. For some reason i Can't explain, I know St Peter Will Call my name, that was when i ruled the world.
Yes my feet will not touch the ground now. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you ever ever thought that you've seen one of the best concerts in your life.
You haven't if you have yet to see COLDPLAY!!!
Yesterday was the surprise day where me and my bro brought sally and shiming to Coldplay's Viva La Vida tour!It was so out of this world! I've seen their concerts so many times on youtube.
Ps. I am a real HUGE fan of coldplay.
I Really am. However, i didn't expect the concert to be so mindblowing.
It started with the first life in technicolor where they got in position.
They seemed to time it so well such that when Chris Martin got in position and the first strum he made (which seemed so unnaturally natural), he was in total sync.
It was really mesmerizing.
Then they moved on to Violet Hill where they had some fun with the crowd and got us wild.
Then came one of my favourites. Clocks.
Then another big timer. Yellow. I love it man.
The way they hyped the crowd, climaxed at several parts of the song.
Wow. man.
Then came my favourite. Fix you.
I know many people say that their favourite would be viva la vida or life in technicolor.
I know many people say that their favourite would be viva la vida or life in technicolor.
However, It really is the Old School.
And i wasn't disappointed. When the Bang came he really BANGED!
Jumping all around the stage and literally getting people jumping.
WOW! I've never been so impressed by a single performance before!
They didn't take breaks in the WHOLE concert. Ok maybe a 3 min one in which they even made us do something amazing to entertain us while they change up. A HANDPHONE KALLANG WAVE!
Also, they even went into the middle of the audience standing on a make shift platform to do a few acoustics. I was THIS CLOSE to them! Ok its relative. Let me show you.
So i was THIS CLOSE TO THEM! I was so enetertained by it i still have yet to get over the whole event yesterday. I even bought a book. I have to admit, coldplay really is the best band. If they come again. I will watch them. I'll be the first to buy their tickets for sure. Not only that, if you are reading this and you didn't catch them. Please do so. For Viva La Vida and Death and All His Friends.

Yes my feet will not touch the ground now. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Listening to : Valerie - Amy Winehouse
I'm glad that i'm home on a Sunday but i'm relatively happy.
The mood of your day is really up to how things are gg in ur life.
At least for me... For now, things are looking good.
Ok, well, when the time comes for me to be stressed... i will be.
On the other hand, it seems to me times does fly. And i'm happy.
ORD counter is now 7 and a half months. So soon soon soon!
Hmmm, i just thought of something actually.
Someone asked me this question once, if you could go back in time to change anything...
What would it be??
Well, to me the answer was simple.
I wouldn't change anything before cause if i did then all that i am now wouldn't be me.
Thats my theory of things that is.
I'm glad i made mistakes and victories in the past cause everything that happened before made me me today one way or another.
Yeap. i love shi ming alot alot.
I'm glad that i'm home on a Sunday but i'm relatively happy.
The mood of your day is really up to how things are gg in ur life.
At least for me... For now, things are looking good.
Ok, well, when the time comes for me to be stressed... i will be.
On the other hand, it seems to me times does fly. And i'm happy.
ORD counter is now 7 and a half months. So soon soon soon!
Hmmm, i just thought of something actually.
Someone asked me this question once, if you could go back in time to change anything...
What would it be??
Well, to me the answer was simple.
I wouldn't change anything before cause if i did then all that i am now wouldn't be me.
Thats my theory of things that is.
I'm glad i made mistakes and victories in the past cause everything that happened before made me me today one way or another.
Yeap. i love shi ming alot alot.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The wrongs, the past
Listening to : Look After You - The Fray
The past week or so has been rather hell.
For me emotionally and physically.
I've done some wrong things before and i really regretted it.
I'm happy now that its all settled.
Well, its goodbye to the Chiong days.
Its a sacrifice i'm really really willing to make to keep the treasure i have.
I guess I realised to best factor to happiness has been in front of me ever since.
Anyway, I'm just happy that the week's almost over...
That I'm moving on, or rather we're moving on...
Speaking of which, on a lighter note....
CoG has been great. I think I may have my heart drifting to them.
I've been wanting to move Derrick so much.
I'm happy things are changing.
Honestly, I'm happy the way things are right now. Though it may be a little confusing.
Thats all, time to book in....
PS. I dunno how to complete 42 km. I'm not consistent!!!!
The past week or so has been rather hell.
For me emotionally and physically.
I've done some wrong things before and i really regretted it.
I'm happy now that its all settled.
Well, its goodbye to the Chiong days.
Its a sacrifice i'm really really willing to make to keep the treasure i have.
I guess I realised to best factor to happiness has been in front of me ever since.
Anyway, I'm just happy that the week's almost over...
That I'm moving on, or rather we're moving on...
Speaking of which, on a lighter note....
CoG has been great. I think I may have my heart drifting to them.
I've been wanting to move Derrick so much.
I'm happy things are changing.
Honestly, I'm happy the way things are right now. Though it may be a little confusing.
Thats all, time to book in....
PS. I dunno how to complete 42 km. I'm not consistent!!!!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Listening to : 1812 Overture
So the first day of the week.
Yes it didn't go well. I was rather demoralised yet again.
The only up side of things was that i was morning shift. Well,
Honestly, my weeks haven't been great. I've really been feeling well lousy.
I can't really put a finger on why is that the case...
However, one thing i know for sure, I'm trying to fix things up.
Its been a while since i've been deprate enough to cry out to God for help.
I'm quite glad i did. Anyways, I guess and I hope this would be the start of a new 'GOOD' streak.
I'm feeling alot better and well, energized!
Rented and watched one of my all time favourite movies.
V for Vendetta.
Well, I'm not too sure why i'm so inspired and why I love that movie so much...
I guess cause yes it does bring back memories...
Hoever, more importantly, its about standing up for what is right.
Even if you're the only one who is....
Fear is a choice, not a compulsion.
This was well, spoken to me in the film just now...
Guess it came to me again when i chanced upon a blog and it said...
Fear is an option. There is nothing to fear if God is your God.
I believe that. I trust in that. Thus I shall not fear....
I have to admit, I haven't been the nicest person to be around.
Just cause i'm always perpetually annoyed and tired.
Well, thats all going to change from today onwards.
Happiness orginates from us not condemming ourselves.
From us having a guilt free conscience.
So don't go about torturing yourself. Enjoy....
Go figure...
So the first day of the week.
Yes it didn't go well. I was rather demoralised yet again.
The only up side of things was that i was morning shift. Well,
Honestly, my weeks haven't been great. I've really been feeling well lousy.
I can't really put a finger on why is that the case...
However, one thing i know for sure, I'm trying to fix things up.
Its been a while since i've been deprate enough to cry out to God for help.
I'm quite glad i did. Anyways, I guess and I hope this would be the start of a new 'GOOD' streak.
I'm feeling alot better and well, energized!
Rented and watched one of my all time favourite movies.
V for Vendetta.
Well, I'm not too sure why i'm so inspired and why I love that movie so much...
I guess cause yes it does bring back memories...
Hoever, more importantly, its about standing up for what is right.
Even if you're the only one who is....
Fear is a choice, not a compulsion.
This was well, spoken to me in the film just now...
Guess it came to me again when i chanced upon a blog and it said...
Fear is an option. There is nothing to fear if God is your God.
I believe that. I trust in that. Thus I shall not fear....
I have to admit, I haven't been the nicest person to be around.
Just cause i'm always perpetually annoyed and tired.
Well, thats all going to change from today onwards.
Happiness orginates from us not condemming ourselves.
From us having a guilt free conscience.
So don't go about torturing yourself. Enjoy....
Go figure...
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Trying to thrive
Listening to : Life in technicolor - Coldplay
It really does get mundane at times. Life that is...
The weeks are just passing by somehow..
I'm not really putting in much effort into well having fun.
I mean, i have to admit, i'm alot more easier to please.
For example, I have stayed in my room for the past 10 hours. Doing what??
Well, i apparently have wasted it away. Haha.
Although i do feel satisfied trying to grow my connect group and well increasing the numbers for Sportsfest. I feel the need to do more with my life.
Yes Lionel is reflecting on life.
My work place is honestly, getting annoying.
The management is being quite anal. But oh well. I'm trying to adapt to it.
Apparently my problem of english has come back to haunt me.
It isn't just in JC guys. Yes, LAUGH! haha.
Well, its a big issue for me now and i gotta fix it/correct it asap.
Coming to another point. I haven't seen feline and xy in god knows how long.
Let me reiterate and highlight that point. We haven't seen each other for the longest time.
I do hope we meet up soon.
Its funny how we still keep in contact.. Well, i recently explained to someone that I don't wanna let go to my JC friends as easily as i did for my sec school friends.
Also, tomorrow is a big day for the juniors.
Its been a good year since I got my A level results.
I remember the excitement, the shouts of joy. MERE SHOCK. The surprise.
I will never forget how i fealt and the reaction not just me but half the world had.
Haha, well, those were the days. When i was happy that some ppl were proud of me and i was glad and proud to say that I didn't do it myself, but with the help of God and friends.
Wow, that brings back a good amount of nostalgic feelings.
In fact, now that we're talking about the past, I realise even the 72/08 OCC is commissioning soon.
That implies 2 things...
1) Its been 3 months since i've been fully operational.
Yes i'm rubbing it in to some people. But oh well. its my blog.
Indulge in me for a moment.
In fact, i can't wait. Recently i just got catted and well, work is pilling up.
Oh well, Since i'm in a roll...
I shall continue reminicing the past.
My connect group just got back their common test results. Good lord,
It's been let me see... 5 years since i was in seconday school.
Those were the times of both stress/worry/servanthood.
I was happy but I'm glad that it worked out ok.
I didn't do THAT fantastic for O levels. But i'm glad i did the way i did.
heh, I realise I do look back into the past quite a bit.
I don't think its entirely a bad thing. Though we should really embrace the future.
However, its good to just look back and see how far we've come eh.
To think i was a small dumb rebel in the past.
Hmmm... I won't say I've changed much. HAHAHAHA
thats life for me and i love it man. OH YEAH!!!
Ok thats enough emo-ing for a while.
Back to reality, i've been running so much but i got into a slump when i fell sick last week.
Trust me, trying to get back the old stamina after a slump is the worst thing that can happen.
I've been looking to many things for motivation.
however, I guess the ultimate motivation for running is well, to be who i am.
I've grown to love running so much. If i stop....
Well, i won't be myself.
Thats in my opinion at least.
it is said that if u give a kid a ball, u give him many things.
You give him healthy lungs,
You give them more confidence than yesterday
You give them bigger laughs, bigger calves.
You give them stronger minds, stronger bonds.
You give them better lives.
Thats what I believe in.
Disregarding all the talk about society and psychology.
This is what running is to me. To make me a better man.
Yup. Though I admit that recently I haven't been the best person,
picking up bad habits and all those things.
I believe that after I run, i'm a better person than before i did.
Also, I'm THAT much closer to God. yeah, it does make a difference to me. heh.
Alright, this has to be my longest entry. I enjoyed blogging this time round.
Time to run....
It really does get mundane at times. Life that is...
The weeks are just passing by somehow..
I'm not really putting in much effort into well having fun.
I mean, i have to admit, i'm alot more easier to please.
For example, I have stayed in my room for the past 10 hours. Doing what??
Well, i apparently have wasted it away. Haha.
Although i do feel satisfied trying to grow my connect group and well increasing the numbers for Sportsfest. I feel the need to do more with my life.
Yes Lionel is reflecting on life.
My work place is honestly, getting annoying.
The management is being quite anal. But oh well. I'm trying to adapt to it.
Apparently my problem of english has come back to haunt me.
It isn't just in JC guys. Yes, LAUGH! haha.
Well, its a big issue for me now and i gotta fix it/correct it asap.
Coming to another point. I haven't seen feline and xy in god knows how long.
Let me reiterate and highlight that point. We haven't seen each other for the longest time.
I do hope we meet up soon.
Its funny how we still keep in contact.. Well, i recently explained to someone that I don't wanna let go to my JC friends as easily as i did for my sec school friends.
Also, tomorrow is a big day for the juniors.
Its been a good year since I got my A level results.
I remember the excitement, the shouts of joy. MERE SHOCK. The surprise.
I will never forget how i fealt and the reaction not just me but half the world had.
Haha, well, those were the days. When i was happy that some ppl were proud of me and i was glad and proud to say that I didn't do it myself, but with the help of God and friends.
Wow, that brings back a good amount of nostalgic feelings.
In fact, now that we're talking about the past, I realise even the 72/08 OCC is commissioning soon.
That implies 2 things...
1) Its been 3 months since i've been fully operational.
Yes i'm rubbing it in to some people. But oh well. its my blog.
Indulge in me for a moment.
In fact, i can't wait. Recently i just got catted and well, work is pilling up.
Oh well, Since i'm in a roll...
I shall continue reminicing the past.
My connect group just got back their common test results. Good lord,
It's been let me see... 5 years since i was in seconday school.
Those were the times of both stress/worry/servanthood.
I was happy but I'm glad that it worked out ok.
I didn't do THAT fantastic for O levels. But i'm glad i did the way i did.
heh, I realise I do look back into the past quite a bit.
I don't think its entirely a bad thing. Though we should really embrace the future.
However, its good to just look back and see how far we've come eh.
To think i was a small dumb rebel in the past.
Hmmm... I won't say I've changed much. HAHAHAHA
thats life for me and i love it man. OH YEAH!!!
Ok thats enough emo-ing for a while.
Back to reality, i've been running so much but i got into a slump when i fell sick last week.
Trust me, trying to get back the old stamina after a slump is the worst thing that can happen.
I've been looking to many things for motivation.
however, I guess the ultimate motivation for running is well, to be who i am.
I've grown to love running so much. If i stop....
Well, i won't be myself.
Thats in my opinion at least.
it is said that if u give a kid a ball, u give him many things.
You give him healthy lungs,
You give them more confidence than yesterday
You give them bigger laughs, bigger calves.
You give them stronger minds, stronger bonds.
You give them better lives.
Thats what I believe in.
Disregarding all the talk about society and psychology.
This is what running is to me. To make me a better man.
Yup. Though I admit that recently I haven't been the best person,
picking up bad habits and all those things.
I believe that after I run, i'm a better person than before i did.
Also, I'm THAT much closer to God. yeah, it does make a difference to me. heh.
Alright, this has to be my longest entry. I enjoyed blogging this time round.
Time to run....
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