Well, yes!!! its the end of 2006!!! WOW!!!
It's so fast man, too fast to be true, well, for the fun of it.
These are the top 10 songs of 2006 (in order of most number of plays).
1) Sweet Child Of Mine
2)My Paper Heart
3)Sugar We're Going Down
4)DOing that thing you do
5)Only One
6)One Last Breath
10)The Everglow
Well, those are the best of best of songs,
But other than that, guess 2006 has been the greatest change for me yet.
Or rather one of the most eventful years yet, be it good or bad.
Moving into JC, running, SUpergirl, My Brother CG, My walk.
SO many things has happened. I'm kinda happy for 2006. OK!!!
Lets burn time and look back at 2006!!!
The VERY 1st thing that happened, CJC!!!!
And of course, it was a new school, I was frankly kinda scared and negative about the school.
Wow, so it seems I have friends there, i stuck with desmond on the 1st day.
Apparently i didn't think much of my IG1.
Guess I was wrong, IG1 Was one of the most happening IGs AROUND!!!!
And of course one of the important people I met was Jing Ming.
He was the best bud around for orientation. Heh, miss him man.

This is IG1. The best IG around.
Nest was the eventful Splitting of classes, we were all so worried that we weren't together. Wel the whole Orientation finished with a bang on finale night, this was when 1T09 was born
This was our very 1st class outing.
After orientation was over (which was a blast), we had to settle with a CCA, this is where I kicked off in track, which now I love. I remember being so scared of it, guess it was just me all along. Gotta thank Mr Wong for dragging me in though. Can't say I was too active then though. 1st intake belonged mostly to the class.
Track in 1st intake, i miss the maris ppl there man.
After track and CCA, it was Chinese New YEAR!!! WOOHOO!!! Well, we spent it with the class, i can remembe the hilarious performance in the PAC and the funny outing we had to my house. HAHAHA!!!
Here's 1T09 in CNY
well, the big event with the class was the leaving of charlene tan. I can remember a few of us skipped school to send her off, it was actually rather sad. So sad some of us didn't go school, well, thats a sad life man. Guess we still wonder how's she doing over there. HAHA!
This was taken in the airport, i remember, we'll miss u.
Well, after a while, there came about friends outside class, i can remember its namely sam and another charlene, man was it cool when they just pop by for fun. Heh, well, here's it man.
Yup, thats me charlene sam and ivan.
After that, evenrtually 1st intake came to an end, so did many people have to leave, heh, JM was one of them, yup, thats all. I think JM was the most impt fella to me. Sounds gay man. HEh, but of course, as 1st intake ended, here comes Rockefella, This, oh THIS. Rock went to a whole new level man. ROCK ROCK!!! By far the best concert i've ever been to.
A pic with 1T09 in rockefellaskank!!!
Next was O2, well, guess it was less fun then the O1. But what can i expect man??? O1 was after all the highlight of any school life, well yeah, and in a while, we realised that 1T24 was formed. The craziest class i've been in so far, really. They're beyond crazy i guess, they're, well retarded. here's our very 1st pic man.
1T24 March.
Well, next, we had to settle in for school, what better way we could do it then choose CCA!!! heh, yes. Man was it tough choosing a CCA again. After all, I did want to get into council. Heh, so yes, there was the nominees camp, which was so totally fun man!!! We went crazy and all. the 'FUN' group.
Now this is what people call 'FUN'
Wow, so after that we had to get down to studying, man i din know how on earth could i do it, so while staying in track instead of council, i started to study with the trackers. This was when the 'Family' was born. Well, everntually, emotions started to develop as well.
Eventually, it led up all the way into the June holidays where we had the track camp. Boy oh boy was that a whole load of fun. Playing all those games and stuff, And of course training. WAHAHA.
Our very 1st family potrait. WAHAHHAHA.
Ok!!! i shal continue this later or tomorrow, i'm tired and hunry. HAHAHA!
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