Listening to : Middle Of Nowhere - Hot Hot Heat
Well, i'm kinda stuck at home today.
Decided not to go for training today since I can barely breathe properly and ya its gonna rain.
Don't really wanna fall sick.
COnsidering there's CG ltr also. HEH. Guess I don't wanna be a half dead chicken also.
Well yesterday was a rather happy day.
YES!!! It was a good day. I'm a HAPPY MAN!!!!!
It's been one month yup. Hopefully many more to come. :).
Well other than that, it seems after PW i'm pretty much bored.
Well, considering theres the farewell camp and everything else.
I'm actually kinda excited.
But just not filled up.
in other words, I'M BORED!!!!!!!!!!
I guess i'm really bored.
It seems my bro is really stressed, so much so i think he's losing his hair.
I think he needs some help man.
Though he's been this way before, think this time is erm bad.
Ok maybe not THAT bad, but think he needs help man.
Well, haven't had a pic up in a long time, well guess the only fun pic was the class one.

This was taken on the last day of school. Looks like we've all changed since the first class picture.

Yup, this is our first calss photo, but you can't spot wendy.

This was at the bbq. Looks small.
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