The day has been exhausting!!
Ok considering I actually slept at 2 cause of some dumb reason...
Think i'm pretty well off today.
It was SUPPOSED to be the start of my mugging day.
Well think not. The day happened to be fun. CUZ!!
It's RACIAL HARMONY DAY! Everyone was wearing funny costumes and stuff.
Went around greeting people with "Asa Malekum".
Kinda a malay way of saying Hello.
Oh and I kind of slept through all lessons except chinese surprisingly.
Did some weird chinese compo which I have totally no confidence in passing.
Was coming up with weird ideas while chuck tried to be lame all the way.
So yeah... Maths was kind of a waste cuz i confirm FAIL FA.
Well so much for getting abck into the mood of studying.
Though we did do a lil bit of studying after eating Macs.
The family studied till around 8 then we heard someone saying "HEY DEMONDS"
Instantly, we knew it was Van.
After that we literally wasted time away by talking talking talking.
Bleh...anyway I'll attempt to do my extremely overdue EOM.
Oh...And We were all pleasently impressed with this article in the news.
It was all smiles for the whole team...heh.

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