So somehow it is now THE LAT WEEK OF TERM 2!!!
Man its a little scary. Seriously. Imagine this is the 1st time i'm gonna spend my june hols mugging my ass off. Wonder If i'll reap my rewards.
ANYWAY! that aside. Lets run through what happened the past few days. Hmmm.
Sunday was service and we had a meeting with bro alex.
And something I could only dream of came to past.
Apparently our Usher ministry has been capable enough and has been spotted by outside companies to help usher for them!
WOW!! how cool is that! I mean. It's like us being the friendly ushers not just in church but everywhere we went. I even went to macs just now and the counter lady commented.
"Hey I've seen You before, yeah!! I have. In CHC. You were that usher."
Amazing thing is I dun even remember her. Its somewhat cool to realise that you impact ppl without you even noticing it.
WELL!!! school is starting to suck. Seriously. I'm like SUPER pressured to perform.
No outside pressure though. Its just me.
well apparently everyone else is catching the stress fever. Ok exams in 5 weeks.
GP exam on friday. How scary is that.
AINT IT EXCITING!?!? my first exam in jc.
Training has been crazy. I got totally destroyed after these few trainings.
To think I'm able to cope with it. CHEY!
Oh well. Like what the song says.
"you are my feet when i can't move on"
So true eh. SO ya...when my legs literally can't take it anymore.
God!!!! you're always there. =).
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