Sweat is something that feels so foreign to me after not producing it for one entire week!! This was due to the disgusting and horrendous rash which is spreading on my laft arm. No where else, Due to the rash Sports has become an enemy, Laughter and jokes have been hurled at me. Getting a bit bored of it though. And yes, today i finally reached a point where i could no longer take that rash. Went to see the doctor to discover its more than any other normal foor allergy rash. Everything was uncertain about the rash, but ione thing was certain, I'll need really strong medicine. The doctor gave me tablets which were the size of half an eye. Now that was scary.
Another incident was todays PE lesson. It was different today. I was not excited or anxious for PE whatsoever. Maybe it's because of the rash and I know I won't perform well in the run. So as expected we were scheduled to run one round around the school. Not too tough, but for someone who is in my condition it would be an amazingly big feat. Even though I had the rash I ran nontheless. I was determined to do my best. So as the ran began I felt physically tired the 1st 1km. How was i to survive the next half?? Then I recalled the sermon of reality being a limiter of your life. In our whole bodily nature, we are split into 2 different components. Body and spirit. I had already lost in my physical self. But I kept pounding in my mind "I am only 1/3 physical and its only going to limit me. I have to focus on the spriitual me which can conquer everything!" So surprisingly I did much better than expected and this was all due to God's work. Nothing else.
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