Regardless of how unfaithful I am in updating this blog (Which I really am hopeless at)
I think the one tradition still remains, looking back at the awesome year of 2015.
I suppose to some, the year really flew by. Yeah, that sort of happened to me, it literaly flew by.
It went by so quickly that part of me can't exactly remember what went on during some phases.
I was just caught in the motion.
Perhaps it'll be a good time to stop, take stock of the awesome (Or not so awesomet) things that happened in the entire year. Well, this as much as possible is representative of me and well, not Innervate (Although some definitely overlap). I guess I'm not going to make this chronological at all. Some aren't really events but big milestone thoughts I had through the year.
1) Operation Broken Wing
Yeah, this came first cause I think this a huge highlight for me. #OBWFightsForHope was not easy at all. Honestly, it wasn't easy one bit. The preparation prior to the event was beyond anything that I have ever done before. I have sent countless emails, messages to so many people throughout the course of the year leading up to the event, I'm not surprised some people have labelled me as spam. However, at the end of the day, such an event and all the effort that is put in was all tremendously worth it.
Yes, we saw the entire CrossFit Community come together for an awesome cause and worked out for a great reason. We saw people making the effort to look for sponsors for every rep that they have accomplished. All in all, we raised $200,000! Something that was way way way beyond my wildest imagination. Honestly, I never thought that a bunch of small time folks could do that. However, I was constantly reminded, to be thankful, to be thankful to God, the people around me and to count my blessings. This is a huge blessing and that has led to more blessings.
"All the Fitness in the World amounts to nothing if we don't use it to help others in need"
2) Tattoo
I guess this signified something deep for me. Kelvin Yeo, aka "Tattoo" passed away in the middle of the year, it was a huge blow to me and the entire community. Very honestly, I have always been the person to take friendships lightly. Yes, I'm quite easily the one whom will take a step back and wait whilst the entire group goes ahead with life and I get busy with work and what I do.
I suppose it's moments like these that I realize, that people mean more than just "a person in my life". They're people whom have shaped my life and made me who I am today. Kelvin very often said, your heart must be big. Xin Yao Da. And I guess I have lived that for many years now.
Now that he's passed, I will always endeavour to live that out loud. With my friends around me, with what I do, with my training. I will try my best to live loud and proud and let my heart shine.
3) We decided
Not so much of a decision but I guess many who don't know about it might be in for a surprise. I suppose it wasn't a big deal to us but I guess after meeting with a couple of friends, it seems like it is. So yes, Ning and I have been together for quite a while now.
She's been the dearest to me. Treating me with much love and care. Tolerating my mood swings and fluctuating emotions which are easily swayed. She supported me in every way that I can think of this year, sacrificing much of herself for me. She inspires me by her deep love for God and everytime we're together in church, it's something very special.
So yeah, Ning and I applied for a BTO in bididari. Not to say we would get it for sure but we did nonetheless. :) Yes, I love this girl.
4) The burst of growth
I've got to admit, I started the year pretty optimistic with the growth of our CrossFit Kids and Teens program. It wasn't the most exponential but I was pretty excited by how it is growing. The big break was probably the article that sprung forth from the Straits Times. It started there with just one parent coming through our doors. Then suddenly, people were referring their friends and kids to us. It came as a genuine surprise. One boy loved it and started spreading it in school and before we knew it, 10 were added to the classes.
The 3 classes a week soon became 4 which soon became 5. We started with only 10 when the year started, all in all, including all those we count as once a week, we've got easily 60 kids and teens on and off now. That's quite a huge leap! it really got me super excited because it shows one thing. That God is faithful. I'm given this amazing chance to impact the many lives around us and I'm sure as hell not going to mess this up.
5) We stood together
Starting a business is never easy and honestly, very very scary. I guess I had moments of uncertainty and doubt. I questioned what I was doing and whether it would be sustainable, long haul. Often, the reassurance came from within the circle. From Mo and Lenny. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, we've had moments where we really needed one another (Or at least I did) and they came through.
However, there were moments when really, all hell broke loose. In those moments, I always look back and I see them both there watching my back. Regardless of what was said or done, we band together. Just because, we're always better, together.
6) All grown up
2015 also marked the start of the many weddings that will continue for many years to come. Yeap. This year, many friends got hitched and are all ready to spend their lives together. It does feel just a little surreal that it is happening but I'm pretty happy that it actually is :)
Many couples whom I've seen grow up, Sean and Amelia for one, finally tied the knot and I can't be more happy. It's been a long time coming for so many of them and I think that's something to be super happy about in 2015
7) God is good, all the time (Church)
2015 was the year the CHC trial also came to an end. It has been a very very long trial, a very tiring one indeed. I recall when it first started and many of us were confused, didn't know what to think. Right now, I'm firm in my beliefs and to see the many members band together, close ranks, it warms my heart. Regardless of circumstances, I still say, this Church, is my Home.
I've grown up here, i was raised here, I learnt almost everything here and I caught a vision here. Yes, I'm outrightly saying it. Without CHC and the crossover project, I would never have thought of doing what I'm doing now with Innervate CrossFit.
The verdict might not have been the most favourable and plain bad but hey, it's okay, we keep our chins high and we keep pushing and pushing and pushing. You don't leave your home when there are troubles, you stay and weather it out. This to me, is the most important aspect of the Church :)
8) CrossFit Kids and Teens
Now apart from the growth of the box and the CrossFit Kids and Teens. I'm always thankful for the chance to even teach them, mould them and hopefully change their lives. I've seen some of them grow up and honestly, it's pretty darn amazing. I see some of them becoming more mature, learning how to conduct themselves better and learning how to control their emotions.
Apart from all the teaching that I do to them. Well, they've taught me some pretty invaluable lessons. How to always look at things with wide eyed wonder. To be excited for the simplest of things. To always have fun no matter how hard, tough and downright boring it might be.
9) The Vision coming to pass
The outcome of OBW was beyond expectation. Last year, we had hopes to bring CrossFit to a handful of teens who needed it. Unfortunately, things didn't go through. However, the success of OBW this year spurred REACH Community Services Society to take a different approach to this. This year, we had the privilledge of finally teaching the youths from the Singapore Boys Hostel.
Now to many, this truly isn't much. I mean, to the business eye, it might just be another program or gig. However, to me, it represents the fruition of a vision. I started Innervate a year plus ago with the simple desire to bring CrossFit to those who truly need it. One of the groups which has always been in my heart since I started CrossFit and back in SOT was the youth at risk. I had a dream, a vision, that one day, I would be given an opportunity to teach these youths from the Hostel, CrossFit. I never imagined that in a short span of time, this has actually come to pass. The vision was so accurately fulfilled that it was even from the correct place.
Now, once a week (hopefully twice soon), I am given the greatest honour to impart to these youths CrossFit and hopefully get them to turn their lives around. Now I'm thinking of the most effective ways in doing so and I truly hope that they will be blessed by it. Recently, I shared this in Cell Group and surprisingly, Jean, a friend from long ago said that it is true, I've been speaking of this dream for the longest time, since I was in university. To see it finally come to pass amazes me beyond measure.
10) SG50
To many, this might be something which isn't a very big deal but just cause my birthday fell right smack on the SG50 period, I was pretty stoked about it :). It was a great time of celebration and activities. But most importantly, it was a time where I just went out of my way to meet the important people around me. They are close to me, they are important to me.
11) The Family, together
To be very honest, 2014 wasn't the best year for my family. There was a departure of someone and because of that, I was pretty devastated by it. Gina left the family to go back home. It's been a struggle, it's been a fight every single time to hold on to her. However, things were hard and because of that it took a toll on the family. 2014 really was a fight.
2015 we took the time to heal, to regroup and to come back together as a Choong Family. It wasn't easy at all simply because there were moments I still wasn't ready to open up yet. Things took a turn eventually when I saw how the entire family came together many times, during CrossFit, during the trials and many more moments. 2015, the Choong family came together and that meant the World to me.
16) The decision to keep fighting
2015 was the year i decided that perhaps this old body of mine can still achieve some pretty nifty tricks and PRs. So in 2015, I decided to put my foot down and told myself, I'm gonna give it a go. Enough procrastinating, enough excuses, it's time to get down to business. No fear, just Faith.
So here I am, gearing up and training harder than ever before for Battle Royale 2016! Were there moments I thought that it was just impossible? For sure. But there were more moments of sheer courage that I managed to do the impossible again. Just 5 seconds of ridiculous courage
17) Sun is Shining and so are you
Last but not least, I know that God is good, and God is good every single time. Really. I mean, the year presented its fair share of challenges. There were many moments I genuinely struggled and many moments I felt victorious. Could I have grown more? Definitely. But looking back at 2015, yeah it's been a pretty awesome year. I didn't see many sun sets as compared to 2014 but hey, that's okay. It's definitely been worth it.
2016 is going to be a whole different ball game. The future is uncertain and even thinking about it scares me a little but one thing I do know, is that in the words of Axwell ^ Ingrosso, the Sun is shining and So are you. So yes, I've just got to be that beacon of light for those around me. As much as I try to be the best that I can be, I want to make people the best that they can be. Perhaps not just the beacon of light but a beacon of Faith, Hope and Love.
Thanks for making 2015. I'm excited for 2016. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
I think the one tradition still remains, looking back at the awesome year of 2015.
I suppose to some, the year really flew by. Yeah, that sort of happened to me, it literaly flew by.
It went by so quickly that part of me can't exactly remember what went on during some phases.
I was just caught in the motion.
Perhaps it'll be a good time to stop, take stock of the awesome (Or not so awesomet) things that happened in the entire year. Well, this as much as possible is representative of me and well, not Innervate (Although some definitely overlap). I guess I'm not going to make this chronological at all. Some aren't really events but big milestone thoughts I had through the year.
1) Operation Broken Wing
Yeah, this came first cause I think this a huge highlight for me. #OBWFightsForHope was not easy at all. Honestly, it wasn't easy one bit. The preparation prior to the event was beyond anything that I have ever done before. I have sent countless emails, messages to so many people throughout the course of the year leading up to the event, I'm not surprised some people have labelled me as spam. However, at the end of the day, such an event and all the effort that is put in was all tremendously worth it.
Yes, we saw the entire CrossFit Community come together for an awesome cause and worked out for a great reason. We saw people making the effort to look for sponsors for every rep that they have accomplished. All in all, we raised $200,000! Something that was way way way beyond my wildest imagination. Honestly, I never thought that a bunch of small time folks could do that. However, I was constantly reminded, to be thankful, to be thankful to God, the people around me and to count my blessings. This is a huge blessing and that has led to more blessings.
"All the Fitness in the World amounts to nothing if we don't use it to help others in need"
2) Tattoo
I guess this signified something deep for me. Kelvin Yeo, aka "Tattoo" passed away in the middle of the year, it was a huge blow to me and the entire community. Very honestly, I have always been the person to take friendships lightly. Yes, I'm quite easily the one whom will take a step back and wait whilst the entire group goes ahead with life and I get busy with work and what I do.
I suppose it's moments like these that I realize, that people mean more than just "a person in my life". They're people whom have shaped my life and made me who I am today. Kelvin very often said, your heart must be big. Xin Yao Da. And I guess I have lived that for many years now.
Now that he's passed, I will always endeavour to live that out loud. With my friends around me, with what I do, with my training. I will try my best to live loud and proud and let my heart shine.
3) We decided
Not so much of a decision but I guess many who don't know about it might be in for a surprise. I suppose it wasn't a big deal to us but I guess after meeting with a couple of friends, it seems like it is. So yes, Ning and I have been together for quite a while now.
She's been the dearest to me. Treating me with much love and care. Tolerating my mood swings and fluctuating emotions which are easily swayed. She supported me in every way that I can think of this year, sacrificing much of herself for me. She inspires me by her deep love for God and everytime we're together in church, it's something very special.
So yeah, Ning and I applied for a BTO in bididari. Not to say we would get it for sure but we did nonetheless. :) Yes, I love this girl.
4) The burst of growth
I've got to admit, I started the year pretty optimistic with the growth of our CrossFit Kids and Teens program. It wasn't the most exponential but I was pretty excited by how it is growing. The big break was probably the article that sprung forth from the Straits Times. It started there with just one parent coming through our doors. Then suddenly, people were referring their friends and kids to us. It came as a genuine surprise. One boy loved it and started spreading it in school and before we knew it, 10 were added to the classes.
The 3 classes a week soon became 4 which soon became 5. We started with only 10 when the year started, all in all, including all those we count as once a week, we've got easily 60 kids and teens on and off now. That's quite a huge leap! it really got me super excited because it shows one thing. That God is faithful. I'm given this amazing chance to impact the many lives around us and I'm sure as hell not going to mess this up.
5) We stood together
Starting a business is never easy and honestly, very very scary. I guess I had moments of uncertainty and doubt. I questioned what I was doing and whether it would be sustainable, long haul. Often, the reassurance came from within the circle. From Mo and Lenny. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, we've had moments where we really needed one another (Or at least I did) and they came through.
However, there were moments when really, all hell broke loose. In those moments, I always look back and I see them both there watching my back. Regardless of what was said or done, we band together. Just because, we're always better, together.
6) All grown up
2015 also marked the start of the many weddings that will continue for many years to come. Yeap. This year, many friends got hitched and are all ready to spend their lives together. It does feel just a little surreal that it is happening but I'm pretty happy that it actually is :)
Many couples whom I've seen grow up, Sean and Amelia for one, finally tied the knot and I can't be more happy. It's been a long time coming for so many of them and I think that's something to be super happy about in 2015
7) God is good, all the time (Church)
2015 was the year the CHC trial also came to an end. It has been a very very long trial, a very tiring one indeed. I recall when it first started and many of us were confused, didn't know what to think. Right now, I'm firm in my beliefs and to see the many members band together, close ranks, it warms my heart. Regardless of circumstances, I still say, this Church, is my Home.
I've grown up here, i was raised here, I learnt almost everything here and I caught a vision here. Yes, I'm outrightly saying it. Without CHC and the crossover project, I would never have thought of doing what I'm doing now with Innervate CrossFit.
The verdict might not have been the most favourable and plain bad but hey, it's okay, we keep our chins high and we keep pushing and pushing and pushing. You don't leave your home when there are troubles, you stay and weather it out. This to me, is the most important aspect of the Church :)
8) CrossFit Kids and Teens
Now apart from the growth of the box and the CrossFit Kids and Teens. I'm always thankful for the chance to even teach them, mould them and hopefully change their lives. I've seen some of them grow up and honestly, it's pretty darn amazing. I see some of them becoming more mature, learning how to conduct themselves better and learning how to control their emotions.
Apart from all the teaching that I do to them. Well, they've taught me some pretty invaluable lessons. How to always look at things with wide eyed wonder. To be excited for the simplest of things. To always have fun no matter how hard, tough and downright boring it might be.
9) The Vision coming to pass
The outcome of OBW was beyond expectation. Last year, we had hopes to bring CrossFit to a handful of teens who needed it. Unfortunately, things didn't go through. However, the success of OBW this year spurred REACH Community Services Society to take a different approach to this. This year, we had the privilledge of finally teaching the youths from the Singapore Boys Hostel.
Now to many, this truly isn't much. I mean, to the business eye, it might just be another program or gig. However, to me, it represents the fruition of a vision. I started Innervate a year plus ago with the simple desire to bring CrossFit to those who truly need it. One of the groups which has always been in my heart since I started CrossFit and back in SOT was the youth at risk. I had a dream, a vision, that one day, I would be given an opportunity to teach these youths from the Hostel, CrossFit. I never imagined that in a short span of time, this has actually come to pass. The vision was so accurately fulfilled that it was even from the correct place.
Now, once a week (hopefully twice soon), I am given the greatest honour to impart to these youths CrossFit and hopefully get them to turn their lives around. Now I'm thinking of the most effective ways in doing so and I truly hope that they will be blessed by it. Recently, I shared this in Cell Group and surprisingly, Jean, a friend from long ago said that it is true, I've been speaking of this dream for the longest time, since I was in university. To see it finally come to pass amazes me beyond measure.
10) SG50
To many, this might be something which isn't a very big deal but just cause my birthday fell right smack on the SG50 period, I was pretty stoked about it :). It was a great time of celebration and activities. But most importantly, it was a time where I just went out of my way to meet the important people around me. They are close to me, they are important to me.
11) The Family, together
To be very honest, 2014 wasn't the best year for my family. There was a departure of someone and because of that, I was pretty devastated by it. Gina left the family to go back home. It's been a struggle, it's been a fight every single time to hold on to her. However, things were hard and because of that it took a toll on the family. 2014 really was a fight.
2015 we took the time to heal, to regroup and to come back together as a Choong Family. It wasn't easy at all simply because there were moments I still wasn't ready to open up yet. Things took a turn eventually when I saw how the entire family came together many times, during CrossFit, during the trials and many more moments. 2015, the Choong family came together and that meant the World to me.
16) The decision to keep fighting
2015 was the year i decided that perhaps this old body of mine can still achieve some pretty nifty tricks and PRs. So in 2015, I decided to put my foot down and told myself, I'm gonna give it a go. Enough procrastinating, enough excuses, it's time to get down to business. No fear, just Faith.
So here I am, gearing up and training harder than ever before for Battle Royale 2016! Were there moments I thought that it was just impossible? For sure. But there were more moments of sheer courage that I managed to do the impossible again. Just 5 seconds of ridiculous courage
17) Sun is Shining and so are you
Last but not least, I know that God is good, and God is good every single time. Really. I mean, the year presented its fair share of challenges. There were many moments I genuinely struggled and many moments I felt victorious. Could I have grown more? Definitely. But looking back at 2015, yeah it's been a pretty awesome year. I didn't see many sun sets as compared to 2014 but hey, that's okay. It's definitely been worth it.
2016 is going to be a whole different ball game. The future is uncertain and even thinking about it scares me a little but one thing I do know, is that in the words of Axwell ^ Ingrosso, the Sun is shining and So are you. So yes, I've just got to be that beacon of light for those around me. As much as I try to be the best that I can be, I want to make people the best that they can be. Perhaps not just the beacon of light but a beacon of Faith, Hope and Love.
Thanks for making 2015. I'm excited for 2016. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.