I don't know if you've noticed but Singapore just overcame perhaps the biggest drought in like fifty years or so. It came to an end when the rain hit just a week ago.
It was really hot and really dry.
It was so dry that the grass along the pavements started to brown out.
Gosh, I recall everyone just pleading for it to rain already.
It's as if the rain came miraculously and suddenly.
When it came, gosh it came mightily.
Sometimes, we have dry periods.
We do.
We experience dryness not just in work or in life or even in the weather.
We experience dryness in our training in CrossFit.
You seem to hit a wall.
You can't progress anymore.
Every single day, suddenly the training program becomes more and more arduous.
You're more inclined to sit at home, order a pizza and watch YouTube than go and hit the box.
CrossFit does that to you sometimes.
In fact, I think every sport does that to you.
I won't call it a burn out, no no.
It's just a really dry period. Things are just hard going in every aspect.
And often, our lives aren't segmented that easily.
One thing affects another.
If training is bad, gosh, it spills over to your relationships, time management and lifestyle.
But what happens when the brook dries up?
When happens when you have somehow no more gas to continue?
Where is the rain? Where is it when you are truly desperate?
I guess that's what Faith is all about.
It's when the dry spell comes and is here to stay but you keep on the good work.
Your spirit is down, you are tired.
This is when you must remember what God has done for you.
You must remember what he has done for you in your past victories and also defeats.
You have to recall the promises in the Bible and his hand upon your life.
Each step of the way.
Every single step of the way.
Remember that God is Good all the time.
And all the time, God is Good.
Like how the dry spell came to an end in a spectacular fashion.
Your dry spell has an expiry date too.
You too, can come back stronger than ever.
But hang in there. Hang in there.
Remember your dreams, remember your visions.
Let it be the guiding force of your life.
Let what you do, resound with passion every single day.
Because rain will come.