Wednesday, October 31, 2012

CROSS-fit #103 It has to be fun!

We all want to be stronger, fitter, faster, better.
Therefore, we train.
We do Crossfit for that main reason don't we? We just want to better ourselves in every way possible.
However, has it come to a point whereby, it just isn't fun anymore?
Whereby the goals, the dreams just seem to be all that mattered, making that lift has become the entire World.
Has it come to a point whereby all you want to do is to become the fittest on Earth such that, well, it isn't fun anymore?
I've read many articles which say that training isn't a pretty walk in the park.
Don't get me wrong, training is supposed to be serious, dead serious.
But hey, when did we stop having fun in Crossfit?

The idea of Crossfit was to become a sport of fitness.
For people, like you and me to do the things we were made to do, to compete in the most basic movements!
In all that you're training for, be it in other sports or in Crossfit or even in your job.
Don't let it get all serious till it comes to a point whereby training becomes all that matters.
Chill out.
Have a fun WOD here and there. Do workouts which involve movements you know will NOT be in the Crossfit games and won't elicit the best improvements in your technique, skill or CNS. But do them just cause they're fun!
Take some time to just chill by the pool for no particular reason (No, it isn't active rest)

Crossfit is training. Serious training for that matter.
We are all striving for greatness.
But in that pursuit, don't wear yourself out in such a way that it becomes a routine, a monotonous routine.
Throw in some spice!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

CROSS-fit #102 No, you move

People will always have their say.
It's a free World, not just a country.
Everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech, no matter how derogatory.
They can say anything they want and honestly the people will.
They will remark about your dressing style, your commitment and dedication, your workout structure and philosophy.
Words will be shot at you and they will not be pleasant at all.
This is life.

Not everyone believes in the same thing as you.
Not everyone thinks just like you.
It's one thing to encourage change in the person for the better and another to just look down on another.
At times, you may feel like you discriminated.
For believing in God, for standing up for you beliefs as a Christian.
For Training this hard in Crossfit.
There is a saying, "Addiction is what the common call dedication".

Harsh words may be thrown upon you by even your loved ones.
Sometimes, it's just you, alone.
It may not be words but gestures even.
So what? What do you do?

Do just what Captain America says.
Be a boss like that.
For real, never let anyone dictate who you are, what you should believe in.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

CROSS-fit #101 living it up

I was in vegas a couple of days ago and someone texted me...
Man, you're really living it up aren't you!?
Yes I am!
Shouldn't we all??

Shouldn't we all take hold of the opportunities now and go all out to have fun.
Make most out of your lives.
I hate (I rarely use such a forceful word) it when someone lives life being led by 'fate' or 'destiny'
They're good aspects and beliefs and all.
But if you're living in this current state, waiting for things to happen to you, then snap out of it!


Live here and live now!
It may sound Hedonistic in a certain sense, but aren't we investing this mindset into the future as well?
That's why many people do Crossfit.
We want to lead a better life, NOW.
Yes we want to do so in the future as well, but the real passion is the NOW.
We do Crossfit so we don't slip into the abyss of corrupted health and fitness.
So we make our own future, we make our fates.

I want to be amazed by myself on a daily basis.
I want to do new things every single day.
Living life without regrets.
Living it up.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

CROSS-fit #100 Crossfit isn't just about Crossfit

No it isn't.
Everytime you step into the box, onto the platform, into the rack
Everytime you pull the bar to your shins, when your hands grab the pullup bar
Every squat, every ring work, every cheer and every sweat
Crossfit isn't always about getting stronger and fitter each step of the way.

There's a high chance, we will never be like this

The Fittest People on Earth

No, Crossfit for the majority 90% of us all would be like this

Crossfit doesn't teach you how to be the fittest on Earth,
It teaches you to be a better you.
In and out of the box

Crossfit teaches you ...

Patience, to wait for the pull, to wait for the results, not to overtrain. Not to be greedy from the start and believe you'll be the most successful guy around during the first week of training. That like for all good things, progress needs time.

Discipline, in your diet, in your lifestyle, in your actions and words. How you conduct yourself in the box, how you treat your bar, your fellow athletes and your attitude probably determines how you are outside the box.

Humility, "Leave your ego outside the box". You don't always need to be the best in the box, you don't need to have the best time, the highest weight or the biggest biceps. You just need to better yourself, that's all that matters.

Respect, for your coach, for your fellow athletes, for the workout, for your family, friends, loved ones and most importantly, the respect for yourself.

Compassion, towards the fellow athletes whom are struggling along beside you, towards the unbelievable multitude of people whom are less fortunate than us and how we should always, always encourage,

Positivity, allowing you to always believe in yourself, that one day, you'd be able to do the greater things

To celebrate success, the small, the big and definitely celebrate the losses as well

Determination. Hell, when all things fail, when training methodologies crumble or when injury comes, nothing stops you, there're no excuses

Friendship, the athletes by your side, those you sweat and train with are probably the closest you've got when the tide turns. You learn to treasure and value those around you

The little things, overlooking the small movements, not paying attention that small inch below parallel makes a difference. And it'll make a difference in life outside the box as well.

Love, you have got to be passionate, you have to love Crossfit to stay in it. It teaches you the essence of love and passion, towards a vision, a cause, a loved one or even a belief.

Confidence, the motivation, feeling deep down inside your gut that whatever it is, you will succeed. It may not be now, it may not be in the near future, but one day, you will. In all that you do...

Integrity, counting or miscounting a rep, cheating here in the box only leads to cheating in real life. Honour yourself, give yourself some respect, have integrity. Be true to yourself.

Spirituality, cause when all else fails, when physical strengths are limited, or when you're all alone and nobody is cheering you on, there's always God, up above, giving you that extra lift and extra comfort.

Crossfit is really about life.
It doesn't just shape the physical, it moulds the mental.
It changes who you are and it effectively changes your future
So it seems, on the surface, Crossfit is all about a bunch of sweaty, grunty men whom can't stop throwing stuff around?
But maybe if you dig deeper, you might find some revelations for yourself?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

CROSS-FIT #99 We'll never be perfect

About a week ago, I had my first ever big local throwdown here in Tucson.
It wasn't a big surprise to me that I was the only Asian there.
Pretty much the smallest fellas around, I mean, these guys were huge and were stutting their stuff big time.
But hey, I'm here to compete.
Well, this ain't no 'Rocky' story, I didn't win, man I didn't even make it to average placing
I was quite roughed up at the bottom
Events like these make me see my weaknesses, they humble me.
They make me work harder.

But the point wasn't the learning from my mistakes

I had the privilege to have a real important person by my side the whole time.
My girlfriend! :) ris knew when I was down and when I did better than expected.
However, she said one thing which never really materialized.
Crossfit is a sport whereby people cheer for one another even though they've crossed the line.
Of course it's the community and everyone's friends around here.
But more than that....

Maybe it's cause we aren't really competing with the fella beside us.
We're competing with ourselves.
We don't need to hope for failure for our opponents to win, we don't need to step on others to be on top.
It's honest and true, it's real to each of us very differently.
Crossfit is so broad that there're bound to be moments where you hate or love the workout.
But at the end of the day, it's about the challenge to one's self.

crossfit | Dan Bailey

I hope Crossfit remains this way, whereby the 'Spirit of the Games' remains this pure.
But more than that, I hope Crossfit athletes stay this way.
Not to cut corners, not to try to best others but ones self.
I hope everyone stays this way, not just athletes, but everyone. 
It's a naive hope, but imagine a place whereby corporations don't step on one another...
Whereby ministers don't throw each other down while pitching their campaigns.
A place where we lift, instead of throw down...

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

CROSS-fit #98 They be strong

Through the course of my stay here in USA.
I've seen many different types of crossfitters and many of them of different personalities, different advocates.
Those whom I'm always impressed and caught unaware with are those whom look tiny.
Gosh thy're so tiny, they don't look like they pack a punch at all.
Then 3.2.1 Go and HOOOMG!
I'm not trying to be sexist, or arrogant here.
I've got to admit, I'm not the one who's the most used to have girls take me down in workouts
But man, these girls pack a punch!

Then I realise the simple fact.
Why am I judging them? Not giving them a second thought, a benefit of a doubt.
I'm sure people look at me the same way.
This kid is small, can he do it?

So I suppose we shouldn't be too quick to judge aye.
The strength comes from deep down inside.
They may be small, they may be quiet and gentle, but inside, they're just monsters waiting to be unleashed
In a good way of course.

So chics out there! You've got my respect!
Look at your male counterparts and caution them! Tell them that one day, you'll take them down
Guys, don't ever let that happen.