It's been about 4 years since I've actually competed.
Competed in any form of athletic competition at all.
The CROSSFIT GAMES. The challenge and quest to find the fittest on Earth.
Last year, Rich Froning took it all.
The year before, think it was Graham Holmberg.
Of which, legends such as Chris Spealler, Jason Khalipa all fought it out to win it all.
However, All of them, every single one of them have had their hits and misses.
We're all in it to win it all. One way or another. Everyone here competes thinking that they can go all the way.
Either that or they've got a goal in mind, something like I wanna beat my old record, my old standing.
For me, I want to see where I stand, I want to hopefully, try to make it to the regionals in Asia.
At least make it in terms of standings.
Next year is another battle altogether.
However, every wondered, what if... Just what if.. You don't make it.
Sorry folks, there's only 1 person in the entire World that's gonna take that title of fittest on Earth.
I'd think that that's quite an exclusive title if you ask me...
So Rich Froning took it, then what about Spealler? What about Khalipa?
Simple, they don't give up.
I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times, but Champions aren't those who never fail but those whom never quit.
But, really, it's as simple as that....
You're never the winner all the time, it's not going to be peachy perfect all the time.
So embrace it and learn.
In whatever cause you're striving for, if you miss by just this much, or miss by a whole yard.
Who cares...

Even if that fails, there's the next field, the next industry, the next profession.
So long as your heart doesn't die, then your drive wouldn't.
No matter what happens in 2012 Crossfit games, let's do this, not just for the games, but for life.
So yes, you, you and you. If' you're fitter than me, watch out, cause one day, maybe tomorrow, maybe a few years down the road, I will get better.
We will get stronger, together.
PS. I'll be cheering for ya.