Thursday, March 30, 2006
Take 5!
Ok so its like 11:55 now. PHEW!
ok i'm actually taking a break now. I just finished my PW draft.
Really have to thank my bro for that. He really did help me alot!
He did study family in NUS though.
Ok so now is break for 5 minutes! then its back to econs!
Well i'm apparently sticking to my self-made timetable.
Heh. So amazed man.
Well school is starting to be ok la.
I'm getting used to and accepting the fact that my timetable is screwed up.
Well see you!!!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
So much...heh
Monday, March 27, 2006
The start of the beggining
Sunday, March 26, 2006
time is of the essence
Some passing thoughts.
I realised. Not that I have track as my cca and considering my current timetable.
I have maximum 17 hours to study a week.
taking that i spend 2 hours a day resting after school. And I sleep at 1 daily.
I can't even hit the quota of 20 hours a week.
I have NO MORE afternoons left.
My official free life starts only after 7.
Which is Very sad in fact.
I have yet to factor in Council and Parade of School coming up.
Which is really going to take up ALOT of time.
Please fix the timetable. Please Please.
Ok some other random things la.
Since we're talking about time.
I was checking out my com stuff.
And bumped into a few old pics.
Which i thought was really cool.
SO just for the fun of it. I'll just post em up to bring back memories. Heh.

Ok the bear died beside me. This was In NUS. WAHAThis was when my Bro WON the preaching challenge. Don't we look alike?
The class which pissed every teacher off but was like the best ever. 4F
There was a time we called each other 'brothers'. Miss those times man. COME BACK!!!
HONG KONG DIM SUM!!! ok those were phenomenal. Notice my mum.
This was during Live recording. We really took time to dress up. Not too bad eh.
Ok this was after O's and i think its the nicest pict of us. Well like we'll still be great friends. SJ MAGGOT!! ok relax peeps. We're just really good friends. heh.Movie days. Notice i'm burnt. WAHA
my team 10E where I learnt so much.It was indeed a great time serving and ushering with you all.
Thats it for all the pics and stuff last year and b4. CYA!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Tired Tired Many Many.
I think JC is really starting to seem STRESSFUL!
Lets start from yesterday.
Right the very first thing which was weird was the timetable la.
It seriously dumb.
We start at 8. However official lessons start at 12. And we end at 3.
So like we have 5 hours of break.
Whats wrong with the system. We go to school just for 2 hours of lesson.
Ok well after that it was rather enjoyable la.
Went out to mug with sam and charlene.
it was rather good la. Managed to cover alot.
But like the stress of JC finally dawned upon me when I realised the workload.
Somemore i'm thinking of trying out student council.
Oh well. Gotta cross the line man!
After mugging we went to eat.
And both of em were saying they'll help me campaign.
Like putting my face everywhere. Ain't that funny!!! HAHA!
We ate tempanyaki (mind the speeling) afterwards.
Ok like one of us kept asking if there were bones ribs,lamb,chicken.
Like HELLO!!! its an funny thing to ask.
Cuase like. Aint it obvious! Can u guess who asked it? heh.
Ok fine. Then today went to church. USHERING!
Ok like i came thinking. Ok ok.
Lets go stage 3/Pastor runner.
then i realised. Oh pastor is out of town.
So i'm just stage 3.
Oh well. It was good nonetheless.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
2 years ain't easy at this pace.
So it seems that 2 years in jc wasn't TAT tough in 1st term eh.
Well apparently, we were all REALLY wrong.
School ends REAL late. And like my earliest day is 4.
And like most days we have 1 break only.
Its really tiring la. But oh well. I guess i gotta adapt.
So for CCA. Its decided. I'm gonna stay in track.
And gonna attempt to run for council.
See if i'll get in.
Oh I'm the welfare guy in class also.
So like all the birthdays and outings are all by me lur.
Its gonna be super happening. I hope. Heh.
Well track is also picking up its pace.
I ran 10x100m. It seemed ok at first.
Then the last few were really unbelievably tiring.
Oh well. Now i think the only thing i wanna do is study.
I was speaking to a j2 trackers who takes S paper phy.
And like from they way he says it.
It isn't gonna be easy, but its really good.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Bad Day??? heh...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Its a SUNDAY morning! Rise and SHINE!!
Right ok well today is gonna be a rather up up day!
Like gonna have CG later then after that gotta head to expo.
I'm in SPELLING BEE!!! How cool is that man!
Ok Frankly I thought how tough could it get?
I mean its just spelling? Right...lets see if u ever heard of the words.
zucchini? stalwart? succinct? ragamuffin?
Right. I don't even know what they mean!
SO like theres 500 of these words. Man theres gonna be a lotta work to do!
Ok anyway like I'm gonna be serious on the DNS thing now man.
If not i'll just screw up then oh man...
ANYWAY!!! school is going to start tomorrow as well.
Now i'm like "wow thats fast".
Maybe cause my ankle is not 100% yet.
I can walk but i ain't superman yet...AHHH!!!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Gundam Addict
Ok now I've a huge problem.
I'm now addicted to the anime gundam seed destiny.
Ok fine it started when i downloaded the 1st 2 episodes one night.
Oh MY GOODNESS!!! It was SO cool. I had to download more!
So like on friday I downloaded 8 episodes and watched all of em.
Thats like 20x8 min of my life gone due to anime.
But its like REALLY nice. Think i'll continue downloading till my com no more space.
Ok anyway I just came back from service.
Ok having a bandaged leg kinda sucks.
You so wanna run around ushering with everyone.
but u cant. U're sitting at recruitment booth.
AHHH!! Ok but service was kinda cool. 2 new friends got saved =)
OH! like i've recovered from IMS.
Not because i've gotten over it.
But cause the medicine came just on time la.
if not i'll just die man.
Now i'm trying to be on a DNS mentality. =)
Friday, March 17, 2006
Ok like i'm getting real tired of IMS.
WHy can't i like recover from this?? AHHH!!!
Maybe its just taking too long...
This is a real short entry...
Heh pls tell me its over....really....
IMS syndrome...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Choose to be...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
c'mon c'mon...
The very first impression i got from this song was.
Ok i'm judging a book by its cover.
Anyway like the song 'bad day'.
Isn't really TAT bad. Its actually kinda cheery.
Haha! ok fine. I realised that from my bro.
Anyway like lets see. Ytd i eventually went out.
The class dinner was actually REALLY good.
We should have it more often.
But like after that we talked and uncovered some dark dark secretes.
SOme of which were told to certain people today.
Ok namely C______. Erm u know who u are la.
But ya. Cheer up man. Its like a small thing.
Eat your way out of it.
HAHA! Ok now like i'm so into the song la.
If you're ever feeling down. Listen to the song 'bad day'!!!
Ok now like another friend S____ is sick la.
Like u know who u are. SO get well soon man!
Ok S___ is like on a serious MC case. So like it sounds serious.
OK! so today i went to school for lect. MAths lect.
But me and jess was like. NO!!! super late.
Eventually we just went for like econs lect. heh.
Which was a TOTAL waste of time.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Revive the mugger within...
YES! The Mugger Spirit Lives! Right.
Monday, March 13, 2006
What a great way to start
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
Too high...too high
It was MADNESS!!
Finale night couldn't even compare to the fun.
It was the Rockafellaskank concert!
It was unbelievable madness to the max!
People were jumping up and down etc.
Words can barely describe the feel.
Not only that. The highlight was the return of Jing Ming.
Was like super happy to see him!!
I mean its seriously a joy to see him again!
Fun was an understatement, It was beyond Fun.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Ok well the IG on the whole is improving. Yeah happy for that!
But like. Wasn't IG1 in orientation 1 totally better??
I just can't seem to REALLY bond with them.
I haven't made a fantastic friend like JM.
They're all really quiet and I just can't seem to talk well.
Ok maybe its just me.
Other groups are like having a swell time and having IG outings etc.
The day we have one. I'll laugh.
Ok i'm exaggerating a little.
It is still ok i guess. I mean other ppl are HATING it la.
At least mine is kinda cool.
Anyway Its really kind of tiring.
School is about to start. OK. REAL school is about to start soon.
Think i'll really have to SERIOUSLY mug soon.
Life ain't that easy man.
Frankly i'm happy i made it in to JC in 1st 3 months.
If not it'll be SUPER tough to adjust la.
I miss IG1. I miss T9. Ok 2moro we're going back to our classes.
I think i'll really make the most out of it.
I'm really going to make sure 2nd intake ppl ENJOY the IG.
Monday, March 06, 2006
1st day.again

Pic taken during yesterdays part...pity Mr Wong left early
This is like the last pic of the FULL track team for 1st intake...gonna miss those that're leaving
Sunday, March 05, 2006
The end of the begining
It was the wildest day possible i guess.
Half of all J1 were all ponning lessons and stuff.
Well i guess thats they way to end it off.
Spend time stoning with those that are gonna leave.
Well yeah I'm staying in CJC. Many are la.
A few are leaving. However, they will NEVER be forgotten.
Ok i think one person i'll REALLY miss will be Jing Ming.
He's like a great person la.
when he first came in. I thought he was a pure ah beng.
Long fringe, plaster on nose. He seemed so much like one.
But I was SO wrong. He's like a great person.
He comforted me when like things went wrong.
I can't believe he's leaving man. He's like the first and best friend EVER in CJC.
I won't ever forget u JM. AHHH!
Well yeah man. We'll really remain frenz forever........
Ok! if you're wondering why I aint saying anything about my class. It's cause like everyone is staying la. We may be diff class but oh well. Heh. I guess 1T09 will always remain together. It was seriously fun while it lasted. =)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Injury prone/Top 5
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
WHen i literally stay at home at not do anything productive.
Ok Daniel stayed over at my house.
Talked abit about school etc etc.
Like He's a great guy la. Pushes you to do better and stuff.
Haha. Well in a way. 2moro will be the last day our class will be together.
After that friday many of us won't go school i guess.
It's a little saddening in a way man.
Nvm ba...change is good.