Thursday, March 31, 2005
Seems like a bad day!!! But still happy!!
everybody has their bad days. For me it was today!! Everything, seemed to just go wrong. 1st thing!! I had a chem test, and frankly I studied extremely hard for it, extremely hard!! Well the paper was relevantly easy. Till I realise I made a terrible mistake and like half of all the marks are already gone!! Its so demoralising!! After that, left the exam room to realise "Where is my Wallet!!!" I wasn't able to find it anywhere. Literally went running around the school to find it!! I was so so angry and annoyed!! For once Lionel was really genuinly broke!! Went home and wow!! Got all wet!!! (sounds very drama eh). Then at home! Wow!! What do you know. Recieved a call from Ong saying " hey i u failed ur 2nd class drill test!" At that point I really wanted to flip!! Hiaz. It was a really bad day. However. For some reason, I was still able to thank God. And the more i thank, the better I felt. Indeedlift all your sorrows to God. Everything's gonna be alright!
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Wow...Touched man!
It has become a norm for my brother yes my brother Wayne to well frankly not talk to me that often. Day in day out. We see each other, words are hardly exchanged. If we do most of the time it would be for my usher life or juz a plea to help him get something done. I guess its the age gap?? In the past. The way things were in the house was horrendous. Shouting was the norm. Scolding each other was frankly a daily event. Things changed just before I got saved in Sec 1. I guess I was starting to open up to him. At 1st it went well but for some reason things started to die down. Although we still do love each other, we didn't really express it. At times he was the meanest person on Earth, at times he seemed to say the right words to really pick me up from a ditch. I guess there was a mutual understanding till yesterday. I was out the whole day till night studying. So I didn't come back for dinner or lunch. Today as I returned home for lunch I realised that there was still some Ginseng Chicken left. I really liked that dish but it was like 2 days ago. Curious, I asked my maid, Why was there remaining food.This was the reason. Yesterday my brother was eating then he asked if I was returning for dinner, my maid didn't know. So normally i guess he would have eaten it, but little did I know, He said " Keep for lionel ." Actually i didn;t even know if its true or not. But nontheless I was quite touched by that!! Even though it was so small. Even negligable. I was touched. Looks like my Bro really does care!!
PS.Yes!!! Great Job 4F!!! We did it!! 10 consecutive A's!!!
PS.Yes!!! Great Job 4F!!! We did it!! 10 consecutive A's!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Purpose in everything
Days have passed. 160 to a mere 60 days remaining. Time is a luxury we rarely experiance nowadays. However today as I was studying at desmonds house. We really rushed and studying like machines...Literally like machines. Then at around 7. We were over-exhausted. Then it came to our minds. Hey why are we doing this. Why are we studying so hard in the 1st place!? Then a very familiar book came to my mind. Purpose driven life. Many factors may drive your life. It may be stress, may be Love, may be fear. For example you study becuz everybody is doing so juz so u can fit in. Or u study cuz u're afraid ur parents will scold you. Then there is a very important factor. You have to be driven by a purpose don't just do things without thinking why when how. Do things with a purpose in mind. Question yourself why you study why you work!? EVerything will seem easier!!
PS. WOW MAN!! This is seriously unbelievable!!! Unbelievable!!! Sijia!! Yes Sijia!! Treated me Gliare. A waffle and ice-cream dessert. Very nice!! And cost 5.50. And she treated me!! haha!
PS. WOW MAN!! This is seriously unbelievable!!! Unbelievable!!! Sijia!! Yes Sijia!! Treated me Gliare. A waffle and ice-cream dessert. Very nice!! And cost 5.50. And she treated me!! haha!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Never thought it could be that good!!
Past few days were days which are historical for many christians. This day 2005 years ago. Jesus the most Holy one Took upon his shoulders all the sins all the pain sorrows of the world!! This day is really significant!! It marks the day of Jesus conquering Hell and ascending into Heaven!! Its Easter!! Well really happy cause Wei Hao came and well he accepted Christ!! This is a great breakthrough!! Even if I screwed up in my ushering 10 times over and over again. It still made my day just to see him lift up his hands!!
As you all realise well was ushering for alol 3 services!! And wow!! I was doing external traffic for the 1st time and was 84 alpha (Bro BT runner) so i was kinda geared up for well any and every tough challenge that would come my way. I was thinking maybe this would be tougher than 80 runner. Than I realise it was alot of mind work!! and not so much of physical!! If i'm going to get into details its gonna take forever!! Well running for him was really great!! I never thought it would be that good!! At times both of us were at attributes bookstore and then just browsing and I was checking out the new hillsong united CD. On the 3rd day as We were watching the drama. He went to run some errand while telling me to stay. Little did I know. He came back with a CD, the new hillsong united album!! And he gave it!!! What a blessing!! thank god!! I really wanted it but didn't have the cash and wow man!! So happy!! PS. looks like you were right,Blessed and you will be blessed!!=)
As you all realise well was ushering for alol 3 services!! And wow!! I was doing external traffic for the 1st time and was 84 alpha (Bro BT runner) so i was kinda geared up for well any and every tough challenge that would come my way. I was thinking maybe this would be tougher than 80 runner. Than I realise it was alot of mind work!! and not so much of physical!! If i'm going to get into details its gonna take forever!! Well running for him was really great!! I never thought it would be that good!! At times both of us were at attributes bookstore and then just browsing and I was checking out the new hillsong united CD. On the 3rd day as We were watching the drama. He went to run some errand while telling me to stay. Little did I know. He came back with a CD, the new hillsong united album!! And he gave it!!! What a blessing!! thank god!! I really wanted it but didn't have the cash and wow man!! So happy!! PS. looks like you were right,Blessed and you will be blessed!!=)
Friday, March 25, 2005
2 days of shock!!
Life was supposed to be as pernormal for yesterday and today. Little did I know, there were shocks at every single turn!! Starting with yesterday, we had a mini morning service. Unexpectantly, well Bro Anthony finally did something that i could say i respect him for. Given his reputation and stature, he did what Jesus had done. He washed the feet of 12 students. The fact that he did it in front of the sholw school well showed a very big deal of humility. Well after that we had PE. Running again. This time well was kinda all geared up to run. Surprisingly Desmond Lim said he wanted to pace with me. Well i agreed, at first I assumed he was joking. Little did I know, he really put up a strong fight. He eventually slowed down and walked. I wanted to run ahead. Then i hesitated, maybe i should slow down, despite him pulling me back, despite me failing and losing what form of reputation i had!! Somehow it all didn't matter. I slowed down and literally pushed him and pulled him to run. He ran like never before, we failed yes, but from a fail of 5 minutes to a fail of 30 seconds. There was tremendous inprovement!! I'm so proud of him!! Then I realise hey doing this really impacted him. What if I did this to everybody else!?!? Well then everything went well after school went to watch POC at Adrian's house just that it wasn't that impactful as last time though. Then watched spongebob squarepants!! Nice show!! Then i did the wierdest thing. I waited and studied below a block just to wait for someone!! Feels super stupid!
Well today woke up early, had to help out in Children Church. Oh man!! It was so interesting!! The kids are so cute!!! I could have squished some of them!! Well was doing level one traffic all the way though. Not bad good experiance. Then met a friends brother. Name's dennis and he's 5!! So cute!! Innocent little sweet thing!! After that rushed to SIS to do support. And wow!! it was like only half an hour of support for us. Was supposed to go out with bert and co. But man i'm so so sorry. It seems I got a little parental objection!! I wun PS you again!! Thats it!! Cya!!
PS.WOW!! something amazing happened!! Sijia actually treated me a cup of drink!!! WOW MAN!
Well today woke up early, had to help out in Children Church. Oh man!! It was so interesting!! The kids are so cute!!! I could have squished some of them!! Well was doing level one traffic all the way though. Not bad good experiance. Then met a friends brother. Name's dennis and he's 5!! So cute!! Innocent little sweet thing!! After that rushed to SIS to do support. And wow!! it was like only half an hour of support for us. Was supposed to go out with bert and co. But man i'm so so sorry. It seems I got a little parental objection!! I wun PS you again!! Thats it!! Cya!!
PS.WOW!! something amazing happened!! Sijia actually treated me a cup of drink!!! WOW MAN!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Barely escaped!!
It was getting rather boring, studying day in day out at either Marine Parade library or school library or study area or even Macdonalds. It may seem interesting at first, but studying all these places for the past 2 years would give u a very strong feeling of Boringness!!! Well today I was desperate!! I needed to study and make it feel interesting! And what do you know. Me and Daryl Chia ended up at RJC!! And MAN!!! That school is beyond amazing!!! The size and the facilities!! This makes SRJC look tiny and Maris Stella unnoticable. The library was like 3 storeys high!! and almost every room was air-conditioned!! And it seems not everybodys a nerd there. What they say about libraries being quite was so true for RJC, it was one of the best!! very condusive!! And managed to complete like 3 chapters of chinese in 1 hour!! Was like so happy! Everything went well, intended to study for 3 hours and leave at 6. Little did I know there were teacher walking around checking student passes!! Thank God the teacher checked the group beside us first. We packed up and ditched the place ASAP!! But it was a good experiance!! And Thank God for Alvin!! He managed to like give one of the best crash course I have ever had. 2 full chapters of Maths in 2 hours!! Thats amazing!!! Well studying hard but also relying on God tremendously!!! Nothing can be done if well i don't put my trust in God!!
Monday, March 21, 2005
Start of school!! Wait did school even end??
Books weren't foreign to me even though the holidays have just ended. The whole holiday was used well and was rather productive. Much change was done. Coming back to school was a real shocker for many of us. To our horror, it seems not just 4A but 4B is also tested in out chinese o Levels!! How bad can it get!?!? Well nontheless i can still do well!! Nothing is impossible!! I was really happy yesterday when Wei Hao came to church!! I really do hope he enjoyed it and will really be commited to it! Not just that but I had 5 hours worth of briefing and meetings yesterday!!! Was so tired!! The biggest was the Easter indoor briefing. Compared to what we did in Benny Hinn, this should be easy!! Amazingly!! I'm going to be 84's runner!! haha...going to be at traffic!! I love that!! =)
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Perhaps NPCC aint that boring after all. In fact, it can actually be kinda fun!! Today we went for the ATF which is Adventure Training Something. Forgot what the 'F' means, but well it was an NPCC activity held in Ubin. It was in fact more then fun!! It pushed many of us to the limit!! We conquered fears we never knew existed and well we accomplished tasks we never knew we could!! Flying from a 7 storey building, Using pure brute strength to climb from one structure to another 20 metres apart and 3 storeys above ground! Conquering whatever fear I had of darkness and it was a very big achievement for me!! I really had fun today!! Thanks to everyone who made this great activity possible!! Well yesterday we had the Sy Rogers mini conference. Man it was Awesome!! In fact it was better than that!!! It wasn't just entertainment but really words which really pierced my hearts and make me think!! Even though I was tired, even though i was feeling drained, It was really God's grace that I'm able to learn so much!! Well think thats about it!!
PS.WOW!!! Its an amazing breakthrough!! Sijia payed me for her food for once!! WoW!!=p
PS.WOW!!! Its an amazing breakthrough!! Sijia payed me for her food for once!! WoW!!=p
Monday, March 14, 2005
5 days of stretching, miracles!!
Past 5 days were phenomenal perhaps words cannot descride the awesomeness of everything that happened!!these 5 Benny Hinn was in town. He is a world known healing evangelist!! Man it was seriously awesome!! How he prayed for healing how people start standing up from their wheel chairs and everythin!! Well cut long stoy short, if not it'll take forever!! This is truly the 1st time I've seen this!! Whole zones fall under the power just like that!! Some stood up from their wheel chairs right before my own eyes!! Not only that, this time round for ushering was Brother Alex runner. Along with Qing ni and another sister. Well it was awesome!! Although it was very very tiring runnning at least a few km. I learnt alot though how the whole hall works. The importance of traffic and the minor details of everything!! Gonna cut long story short. It was a real learning experiance for me though. 1st time i was able to see counting occur.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Not Fat anymore!!
Do you like what you hear!!! Finally I discovered the skill of uploading songs into the blog. Don't say I'm Slow. I'm not!! Well made a few modifications here and there as well. Hope you all like it yeah. Well things happened today in school which were quite upsetting. Won't mention names but it all started with Mr Kuok coming up with a grading scheme for class cleaniness. It is insane, graded by A,B,C. A being a perfect clean class, B being a moderately clean, C being dirty. If we get C, the class has to stay back. If we got A for 10 days, we get 1 period off the day!! Well sounds like a good deal eh. Upon entering the class in the morning, my jaw almost dropped!! I have never seen 4F being so unbelievably clean!!! Everything was straight, clean and in an oderly manner! Thought we would definitely get an A. That's where we screwed up, It seems that the counselors were the ones grading and they gave us a C!! We were extremely well upset, and apparently some "kind,grateful" classmate started blaming our chairman for not cleaning his window. Being an extremely busy and stressed up fellow he started to lecture the class!! A chairman lecturing the class, that is like "respect!!". However it didn't stop there. For some reason, nobody knows. Our Chinese teacher came in and made some big fuss about chairman not being good. That really ticked him off. So he started showing his temper and left the class like that. Causing a lot of misunderstanding amongst the class. We were all confused after today. Man whats happening!! But I do hope everything goes back to normal tomorrow morning!
Well not just so much of bad stuff today. Finally!! Good news!! Lionel has started exercising again!! I realise that the gym has been opened for free use during recess. That makes me happy!! Everyday, i won't waste money on gaining fat but spend much needed time working my body!! Since I cant play basketball no more. Its better this way!!
Well not just so much of bad stuff today. Finally!! Good news!! Lionel has started exercising again!! I realise that the gym has been opened for free use during recess. That makes me happy!! Everyday, i won't waste money on gaining fat but spend much needed time working my body!! Since I cant play basketball no more. Its better this way!!
Monday, March 07, 2005
Its not how you fall but how you pick yourself up!!
Tough decisions, tough times constantly hinder many people from rising to their fullest potential but a few go beyond their problems, some rise to the challenge to face their worst fears to become a victor at the end of the day. Be it in studies, ushering, your walk with God or even family problems. At times we have to remember that every problem is there for a reason!! Yesterday I was given the wonderful opportunity to take Hotel 4 (Hall traffic for ushering)! I was overjoyed! It was my very first time attempting to take a set all on my own. However, it was indeed a big challenge for me. I thank all the leaders there to help! I had a wonderful experience as a hotel 4. Even though it wasn't a very good attempt, i was still happy cuz i learnt from my mistakes!! Now people may experience truly tough times when families are falling apart or something like that. Dun lose hope!! Even in the lowest point, your situation can be salvaged for the greater good!! God still loves you and you'll always have a spiritual family!!
Sunday, March 06, 2005
A purpose!!
There are many things I appreciate, many things I love.
Many things i thank God for....
Many things I get excited about.....
BUT there is only One, just One i bow to.....
One that i'm Given to....
One that i'd bear my All to....
One i would rather walk with than anything......
Just One..... The ONE.
Many things i thank God for....
Many things I get excited about.....
BUT there is only One, just One i bow to.....
One that i'm Given to....
One that i'd bear my All to....
One i would rather walk with than anything......
Just One..... The ONE.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Lionels getting fat!!!
The ultimate horror or biggest shock is that Lionel!!! Yes lionel!! is getting fat!!! Oh man!! However However, Not much of fat i guess, rather more of weaker. Went to gym today and to my astonishment. I couldn't carry something that is so light!! (forgot the weight) I used to lift these weights for warm ups....and now its literally pushing me all the way to the limit!! Well at least the truth is discovered and it hurts!! But the truth sets you free!!! now I can get back the Lionel body once again!!
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Perhaps there's sense in nonsense
Laziness is a constant annoyance I have to deal with every single day. Be it at home, in school. However the area with the word laziness pasted everywhere is during npcc activities. I have never really 'enjoyed' an activity after a tremendously long time. I'm literally dragged to activity almost everyweek. I have not like it since NPCC day parade last year, i'm going to spare all the details. But something happened today which gave sense to all the nonsense that we have been facing. its tiring boring and well i realised maybe there is a point to all the rugged training. Giving discipline, endurance friendships. At times i regret joining NPCC and at times i regret slacking. Now its all coming to light. There is a purpose for everything in this world indeed!!! Today we didn't have English lesson but we were relieved by our VP. She spoke to my class about bucking up!! Believing in yourself, studying really hard!!! And i always thought this school was total nonsense. Well looks like i was proven wrong.
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